Chapter Thirty Nine

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I was just about to respond when we were both interrupted by one of the girls working on the computer.

"We're in".

Blaine's POV

Everything happened pretty quick after she'd said those words. Anna instantly gave the order to override the system and with a push of a button everything seemed to happen at once.

It seemed that not only where the collars and doors controlled by this system but so was basically everything else. The feed from the security cameras instantly stopped working, causing the once clear picture to become black and white lines of static flickering across the screen. The almost to bright artificial lights significantly dimmed and were replaced with a red hue, signalling that their electronic systems had all gone down.

I could also hear barking and snarling coming from down the corridor meaning the collars had been deactivated, I just hoped that the wolves figured out that they could shift so that they didn't attack each other in a bid to escape.

The one thing that really had me on edge though was the fact that I couldn't see what was going on in the main room anymore, or more specifically the fight that was no doubt still going on between my dad and Xavier.

"Anna I've go to go back, I need to make sure Dad and Xavier aren't killing each other" I shouted over to her. I didn't wait for a reply though as I turned on my heel and sprinted out the door and back down the hallway towards the fight ring. I could hear yelling and screaming in the distance but I didn't let that deter me as I continued my advance, my mind solely focus on breaking up the fight that was currently going on between two of the most important people in my life. I knew that if I lost either of them I wouldn't survive, I needed to make sure that they were okay.

I rounded the corner where the fork in the road was but skidded to a stop when I came face to face with a wolf that made me instantly well up. My mum.


At the sound of my voice her hackles instantly raised as she turned around to face me, her teeth bared and her head held down in an aggressive stance. I could see that the collar was no longer around her neck, having fallen off with the loss of power to them, but that didn't instantly make her shift back into her human form.

"Mum it's me" I whispered as I held my hands out in front of me, trying to look as least threatening as I can. My mum continued to advance on me though, slowly taking one step at a time as she backed me into the cave's wall. I had no idea what to do, no idea how to break her out of this life style she had been forced to live in. I mean how do you explain to a wolf that you were no longer a pawn in someone else's sick game and that you were free to leave?

I had an idea pop into my mind, an idea that would either trigger her to attack me or break her out of whatever shell she had been forced into over the years. I had to free her human side from her brain, wake my mum up so that she could take control over her body again and remember who she was as a person.

One of the strongest instinct a wolf had was based on scent, through that you could tell nearly everything about a wolf, whether it was pack or rogue, friend or foe or even family. If our scent was strongest when we were in our wolf form then maybe if I turned into my wolf the scent would be strong enough for my mum to recognise me and wake her up from where ever she was lying dormant.

"Don't attack me" I said, using a soothing voice to try and portray that I wasn't changing with the mindset to attack her. "Remember mum" I whispered as I felt the shift start to overtake me "Remember who you are" I begged before I collapsed onto the ground and welcomed the shift.

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