Chapter Thirty Five

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Well there goes out plan of sneaking in and out undetected.

Blaine's POV

When the bald headed, burly looking man opened the door and I got a look inside I instantly froze on the spot. The place was packed, filled with werewolves, witches and even humans. I don't think I had ever seen so many people packed into one place before. Everyone was crammed into the space near the middle, surrounding a chain link cage, and yelling at the action that was going on inside. I couldn't see what was happening but based on the noises, I could hazard a guess that it wasn't anything good.

Xavier gripped my hand tightly and slowly lead me into the room, his eyes taking everything in as he surveyed the area around us. I was instantly glad that I had him by my side, there was no way that I could have done this without him.

"Do you sense them anywhere?" Xav whispered to me, close to my ear so that it could be heard over the roar of the crowd.

I stopped walking and breathed in my surroundings but frowned when I came up empty. "No, there's way to many people in here for me to identify anyone" I sighed, disappointed that I'd come up empty.

"It's alright we'll find them, we just have to keep looking" he whispered in my ear before placing a small kiss just below my ear, helping to calm my nerves.

I just squeezed my hand that was wrapped in his before we both started heading off towards the bar. "Let's go and check out the betting area, maybe they'll have names up of who's fighting who and when" Xavier said as he let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to his side, shielding me from the over enthusiastic crowd.

The place was packed with bodies, all jostling around as they tried to fight their way to the front, wanting to get a good view of the current fight that was taking place a short fifteen feet in front of us. I pulled my hood further over my head, hoping that it would shadow my face and cover my very distinctive looking hair. I loved my bright red, almost ginger mane, but right now I wished that it was a typical brown colour so that I could easily blend in with the surrounding people.

We eventually made it over to the betting area with only a small amount of beer being spilled on us from the excited onlookers, to engrossed in the fight to notice that their wild gestures were causing them to spill their drink that they had undoubtedly spent ages queueing for.

Before we could get close enough to see the blackboard explaining who was fighting next there was suddenly a massive uproar from the crowd, causing us to be pushed around. I tried to figure out what was going on but before I could I felt Xaviers hand slip from around my shoulder.

'Xavier?!' I screamed through the mate link, knowing that he wouldn't have a hope of hearing me in this crowd.

'Blaine where are you?' he yelled back, his panic seeping into the back of my mind through the bond.

'I-I don't know' I muttered as I looked around to try and take in my surroundings, hoping that I could find something that would tell me where I was in this sea of people. All I saw were bodies as they all pressed up against me and each other, pushing me this way and that until I felt dizzy. It was like that game we used to play as kids, you were blindfolded and spun around by someone and you had to try and find your way back to your group of friends. Except I wasn't blindfolded and the consequence of not finding my friends were far greater than just losing the game or tripping up on something.

I suddenly found myself at the front of the crowd, being pushed against a metal pole as I looked up at the slightly raised cage. What I saw though made my blood run cold and a slight sheen of sweat to appear on my hairline.

The Beta and his mateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin