Chapter Twenty Six

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It was that moment that I felt myself slip into unconsciousness, but not before I heard the stranger mutter one final thing...

"I'll tell the family you said hi".

Xavier's POV

My blood ran cold when Jax uttered those two words that we'd all been dreading to hear for weeks now.

They're coming

Not only did I have a pack to look after and protect I now also had a mate to worry about on top of that. I know Blaine could look after herself, that she knew how to hold her own in a fight, but it didn't ease my nerves any less, especially when I saw her running alongside us towards the battle ground. Blaine was a stubborn one though and fiercely protective of the ones she cares about so I knew trying to talk her out of running into battle was not an option for her. She was not one to cower in the corner and let others do all the dirty work.

That was why I didn't fight her too hard on going back and staying with Anna. I had to remind myself that this was Blaine and even if her stubbornness and lack of listening ability stressed me out to no end I still wouldn't change anything about her. Blaine was my little firecracker, the crazy to my calm and I'd be stupid if I tried to change that about her.

The battle was basically over now, it not having lasted very long in the first place. With Blaines instructions and the amount of extra training sessions about warriors we had taken on board it was a fairly easy fight. Still no matter how easy a fight seemed you never relaxed until way after the last rogue was dealt with. We learnt that the hard way when a neighbouring pack of ours had been hit with multiple waves of rogues. Unfortunately the pack hadn't seen it coming and had suffered severely because of it.

I looked around the clearing as I killed one of the last rogues who had been idiotic enough to enter our land. Just a few more rouges remained but thanks to our increased stamina they were being quickly picked off by warriors, making sure that not one escaped the punishment they deserved.

I spotted Blaine run after an injured rogue and smiled as I watched her rust coloured fur glint in the light, I sure was one lucky guy.

"Xavier get your head out of your ass, we still have stuff to do" Jax smirked as he made his way over to me.

Jax had already shifted back into his human form and slipped on a pair of old worn out trackie bottoms that we had dotted around the territory.

'Whatever man' I laughed through the mind link before trotting off behind a tree so that I could shift myself. To be able to do the clean up that was required I kind of needed my opposable thumbs back.

"How's Anna and JJ?" I asked Jax as I came up behind him with a bunch of logs and twigs that I had collected from the woods in the surrounding areas.

"They're good man, the rogues didn't even make it through our first line of defence so no stress there" he shrugged as we both deposited my collected wood into the centre of the semi clearing. Even if these wolves weren't part of our pack it was important to us that they got a proper cremation, only then will their spirits ascend to the Moon Goddess. She can deal with them how she sees fit.

I nodded my head as I watched more warriors dump logs and bits of brush onto the ever growing pile. We had gotten confirmation from our scouts that no more rogues had entered or exited our territory and with a sigh of relief from many around us the mental alert we had all been sharing had gone from critical to just cautious.

"Where's Blaine by the way? I thought she'd be the first one here to question me about the safety of others and whether we were all okay" Jax laughed as he looked around the clearing.

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