I'll Do It For You, Natsuki!

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I wake up with a thundering headache, and a dried stain of blood on my shirt. "Sayori... You awake?" I ask, turning behind me. Sayori's peach-pink hair tickles my nose, and I giggle. She meets my eyes as well. "Morning, Y/N." Sayori groggily replies. She hugs me. "I have to change my shirt, so I have to get up, sleepy."I tell her, trying to sit up. "Nuh-uh.." She replies. "At least let me take off my shirt." I ask. "Actually, you should probably change. How did you get all this blood on you?" Sayori says. "Some things better left ambiguous.." I say. I step outside of the room and not so gracefully make my way down the stairs, landing flat on my face at the bottom of the stairs. "Geez, all this from just one drink? Ain't doin' that again." I say to myself. I look up to see Natsuki, dressed in a tank top and shorts, holding a white shirt in front of her. "Hey. What are you still doing here? I thought you would've left by now." I say, standing up and taking the shirt. "Thanks." I say.  "We stayed here all night, dummy. We were worried about Sayori and you, so we slept out on the couch." Natsuki says, gesturing me to the couch. A sprawled out Monika lay there, but we have room enough to sit. "Wake Sayori up, I'm making pancakes." She asks me, heading into the kitchen. I decide to seize the moment and switch shirts. Not knowing what to do with the other shirt, I walk towards the laundry room and throw the shirt into the washing machine and leave it there. Sayori greets me with a hug when I enter the living room. "O-oh, hi Sayori!" I stutter. "Why are you down here?" I ask. "I could smell the pancakes." She replies, walking towards the couch. She sits down and turns on the TV. Geez, leave it to Sayori to make even sitting look cute. I decide to join her, but notice Natsuki looking worried while looking at her phone. "What's up, Natsuki? Done with the pancakes already?" I ask. "No, just texting." She blows me off, still staring at her phone with the same worried look. "Something's going on, isn't it?"I ask, cluing in to her texts. "No! Why do you care!?!" She scorns, but I persist. "What's going on, Natsuki? You know I won't judge." I say, slightly impatient. "What do you care!?!" She scorns me again. Sayori looks worried, not butting in. "I care, because you're my friend! That's why! If something's hurting you, anyone in this room would lose an arm for your sake!" I say with a raised voice. "O-o-okay.. i-it's my dad. He drinks heavily and b-beats me almost e-every day. And I can't l-leave until I'm e-eighteen, which isn't for a-another 5 m-months.. And the beatings have gotten worse and worse, so much I'm worried he'll kill me.." She explains, tears welling up. "I didn't mean to raise my voice, I'm sorry." I tell her, trying to comfort her. "What's your address?" I ask, still trying to comfort her. "H-here." She says, handing me a small piece of paper. "Here's what I need you to do. Get a bag together with enough room for your belongings, and a small weapon, in case he tries to grab you on your way in." "Okay, but what are you doing?" She asks. 

Author's note - ohhh waaz gonna happen??? OoOooOoooO iTs a MystErY ScOObY dOO

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