School As Always

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I walk to the gates of my school, and stop in front of them. The commute is flooded with students and their troubles, but I tune that out. Monika volunteered to stay behind and look after Sayori, so my imagination (and troubled conscience) are able to rest. But the issue remains in front of me. School. I get dragged aside by a kid, and hurled to the grass.

I look up, and it's the people I hate the most. Kinoto, Yumeha, Kiribati, and Himota. The 4 boys tower over me, even though I am taller than them, even if by an inch. "Goin' somewhere, Y/N?" Yumeha asks with an edge of malice in his voice. "And where's Sayori, for that matter?" Kiribati chimes in, sneering. I don't care that much, I don't want them butting into our stuff, she's burdened enough already. "You didn't answer.. so I'll ask again!" He yells, striking me across the face, leaving a red mark, delecately spattered over my cheek.

I spit out blood and stand up, out of balence. The ground feels easy under my feet, and the bright sky imposes my vision, but I disregard that. The four boys in front of me have no intention of leaving me alone, so I decide to at least stand up for myself, even if the only language these mentally impaired taxidermied fish will understand is fistfights. My vision begins to return and jolts to me that a crowd has gathered. Jesus... I hate it when crowds gather. He swings again, but I swipe out of the way. He throws yet another punch, sacrificing his balence for the sake of power. I sidestep his attack and drop an elbow into his temple, striking him to the ground with a shout. One down, three to go.

A consectutive "Oooooh!" escapes from the crowd as I bare my fists again. I burn a glare to the crowd saying to shut up, and my message is received. Kiribati, the strongest of the group, bull charges into me. I realize very, very quickly that if he makes contact, my ribs will be broken again. I try to duck, but he tackles into my stomach and flings me into the courtyard. My uniform is dirty, and my face bloodied, along with my stomach screaming bloody murder. He runs at me again, and I kick his knee, and then his chin. He goes down, again with a grunt.

The other two scamper away, and the crowd begins chanting like I just won the UFC championship.

"Way to go dude, you beat the shi-"
"Shut it. I didn't want to."
"I said shut up. Do you think I don't mean it?"

I point my thumb back at the two assailants behind me, and walk on. Just in time for 1st Period.

My Angel - Sayori X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now