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I stretched and walked to the bar. I haven't had this much time to relax in a while. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts.

I sat on one of the bar stools and waited. There wasn't anyone behind the counter so I decided to look around and take in my surroundings. Spinning on my stool, I rested my back against the counter. I haven't been in hell since that day all those years ago. I forgot how red it was. Well I mean you can't ever forget how red hell is after visiting it once, but it looked...well...red...more red than before when I was given that...mission. Suddenly the image of the blood splattered along the walls of buildings, sidewalks, streets, and cars appeared in my head again.

I shook my head to get rid of those horrible memories. I didn't want to see those scenes again. Especially because I see them every night in my sleep.

I heard a few glasses being jingled around behind me so I spun my chair around slowly to see whoever was behind the counter.

I saw the unique cat demon with magnificent red wings behind the counter drinking a bottle of cheap booze. He looked at me and raised a brow. He put the bottle on the counter and turned to me.

"You want somethin'?" He asked me with a gruff voice, leaning on the counter.

"Uh, yea. Can I get a bottle of what you were just drinking? Looks good." I asked.

He raised a brow, grunted then turned to the the shelves in the back he bent down and pulled a crate of bottles from a cabinet underneath the shelves. He grabbed one of the bottles then put the crate back where it was before. He got up and closed the cabinet with his foot, turning and handing me the bottle. I took it gratefully.

"Thanks. I needed this." I said, opening it up.

"Yep." He grunted before before picking up his own bottle and continuing to chug it.

We sat there for a while in a comfortable silence just drinking more and more bottles before Charlie came in and hesitantly sat next to me.

"Hey..." She muttered with nervousness in her eyes, tapping her fingers on the counter.

"Hey." I responded simply, not sparing her a glance. After I responded so passively, the worry in her eyes quickly turned to relief. I looked over to her and put my bottle down.

"I'm not gonna hurt anyone here if that's what you're worried about so please just talk to me like any other person." I told her, attempting to soothe her anxiety.

She nodded her head. "Sorry." She apologized.

"Nothing to be sorry about." I said, taking another sip of the bitter liquid in the bottle I was holding.

"S-sorry-I mean sorr-agh!" She struggled.

I chuckled which turned into a fit of laughter. I guess the booze was catching up with me.

Husk POV

I watched Charlie and Reaper talk but tuned them out and started looking around. I suddenly heard laughter. It wasn't just any laughter though. It...it was kind of beautiful. My ears twitched as I looked over to where this noise was coming from and saw Charlie. She was staring in disbelief at the woman next to her.

I trailed my eyes to what she was staring at and my eyes landed on the woman. It was probably the booze messing with what I was seeing but as I watched her laugh with a wide smile on her face, her head thrown back, and her cheeks dusted a slight pink I swear time went slower.

I could feel my stupid fucking face burning so I slammed my bottle down on the table, and ran out the back door. I was so confused as to why I was feeling this way so I blamed it on the booze.


Edited 662 words

Editing AN: cringeeeee

Stay Tuned~

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