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Your POV

Husk slammed his bottle on the counter then rushed out with his hand over his face. His cheeks were flushed red.

'Probably going to throw up...' I thought.

"What was that?" Charlie asked watching the spot Husk once stood.

"Probably went to go puke." I replied nonchalantly.

"Oh." She shrugged her shoulders and turned back to me. "So um...do you go by Reaper by everyone you meet?"

"Not by my friends. But I don't have those." I shrugged.

"Well...we can be your friends!" She exclaimed with a smile and shining eyes.

"Uh...yea sure." I responded raising my hand over my eyes to block out the brightness.

"So what do your 'friends' call you?" She asked.

"Y/n. Thats my real name." I said drinking the last of my bottle.

"Oh. Its a nice name!" She said smiling.

"Thanks." I said with the tiniest of smiles on my face.

She smiled...more...and her eyes caught sight of the small wings on my back. (I forgot to mention this before but you have small baby bird like wings already on your back that extend out to your elbows but grow to be huge beautiful wings at will.)

"You have wings?" She asked with her brow raised.

"Yep. I don't just levitate. Thats just a rumor." I said.

"They're so cute!" She said with shining eyes. Her face looked like she was looking at the cutest baby or puppy in the universe.

I shook my head chuckling.

"So smol!" She exclaimed. "Wait...you fly with these?...How?!"

"They grow at will. They are much more manageable like this when I'm not doing work." I shrugged.



Husk POV

I rushed out and ran as far away from the bar as possible. I ran to the elevator and slid in. Literally slid. I was mashing the elevator buttons when...of course...the spider slut came in.

"Hey Huskyyyy~" He said.

"..." I stayed silent not trusting my voice right now. My face was definitely still flushed. I didn't know why! I haven't felt this way since I was alive! I thought I lost the ability to feel this way! Ugh...probably the booze.

"Gettin' shy on me are ya?" He asked as the elevator doors closed.

I kept my head turned to keep my face out of his sight. I'd never hear the end of it if he saw me like this.

"Fine." He said crossing the top set of arms with his bottom set resting on his hips.


"Ugh...I hate bein' ignored ya know." He said.


He raised a brow. He knew I was hiding something at this point and-unfortunately for me-was determined to figure it out.

He pressed the button that stops the elevator and turned to me.

"I know you're hiding somethin'." He said. "You didn't insult me once!"






He walked up to me grabbed my shoulders and turned me around. I wasn't expecting this so I didn't have time to react.

"*gasp*" he gasped.

I quickly covered my face and and ran to the panel to get the elevator moving again.

"Oh hoho I know that ain't for me so who's it for?" He asked-demanded-taking my shoulder and spinning me around again and keeping me away from the panel.

"Let go of me spider slut!" I growled.

".......hmph fine but I'll find out your secrets....don't try to hide it." He said letting me go and pressed the button that let the elevator move again.

'It's just the booze. It's just the booze. It's just the booze.' I repeated in my mind over and over again.

* Angel is onto him~~

Stay Tuned~

Reaper ( Husk X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now