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I nervously pick at my bandages as I shuffle my way to the bar. I'm not exactly sure why, but my hands are shaky and feeling clammy while my heart beats faster every step I take towards the bar. 'Why am I feeling like this?! Calm down Y/n. It's just a little talk! You got this! It'll be worth it afterwards.' I think to myself as I take a deep breath.

I look up to see Husk behind the bar with his head down. I slowly walk closer and take a seat. He doesn't move an inch. I assume he's sleeping so I give him a slight poke to the head to wake him up.

"Ugh. Fuckin slut. Go away." He grumbles.

"Oh... uh.. sorry? I-I'll leave then." I say with hurt in my voice that I couldn't hide and get up off the stool.

'Did he just call me a slut?'

He whips his head up to the sound of my voice. "Y-Y/n?! Fuck! I thought you were Angel or somethin'! Sorry 'bout that." He apologized.

I look back at him and sigh in relief. 'Why did those words hurt more than it needed to? I've been called many things and didn't even bat an eyelash. Why did I hurt so much coming out of his mouth?" I thought to myself.

I sit back on the stool and look at him. He's keeping his gaze away from mine and I can see a small tint of red on his fluffy cheeks. It's hardly noticeable, but it's there. 'Cute.' I think to myself and flinch a bit right as the thought came into my head. 'Cute? You need sleep Y/n. You aren't thinking straight.'

"Uh. It's alright. You two don't get along very well do you?" I ask him.

"Nope. The bitch won't leave me the fuck alone." He says.

I laugh a bit and he smiles slightly, looking at me before looking away again.

"Hmm. Yea. Well anyway I wanted to talk to you..." I say, suddenly getting nervous again.

"O-oh Yea? 'Bout what?" He asks, sweating a bit.

"Uh... the other night? Y-you know the night." I say, inwardly facepalming at my stutter.

"Oh.. heh.. thought that would come up sooner or later." He says, avoiding eye contact like the plague.

"I just... can we just forget about that? I can tell it's obviously made things awkward between us and I miss how we would just talk to each other so freely. Y-you're my... friend and one would even say my best friend so um. C-can we just forget that happened and just continue on with our lives without awkward air?" I ramble.

'Why did it hurt to call him a friend? He's my friend isn't he? Probably heart burn.' I think to myself.

"...yea. That'd be nice. Gettin' kinda irritating not being able to say simple things to ya. Work was getting boring too so uh.." He trails off.

I smile at him. "Okay! Uh.. can I get some fruit snacks please?" I ask, my smile never leaving.

He smiles slightly and that blush he had when I first came over never left. It even grew a little. I mentally shrugged it off and grabbed the pack of snacks he handed to me and watched him open his own.

We had a long casual conversation while chowing down on fruit snacks. I missed this. I missed this more than I thought I would.

What is wrong with me?!

* We're back! Updates will still be quite slow but I'm still going on with this! Sorry it was so short. Anyways it looks like a certain person is starting to gain stronger feels... oho!

Stay Tuned~

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