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It's been a few days since the whole 'chandelier incident' and the new chandelier has already been put in place. Demons come and go through the hotel. They check in then check out, supposedly not being able to handle being clean for more than a day. Charlie as a bit down because of that and Vaggie and I always try to cheer her up with hopeful words and, surprisingly, it actually works.

Right now I'm just finishing up cleaning, more than ready to snuggle into bed and drift off to dreamland.

"Hey, y/n." I hear a familiar voice from the bar call.

I turn to Husk with a tilt of my head in a questioning manner.

"Uh, there's this place up on the roof that I've been goin' to these past couple of weeks. Wanted to show it to ya. Thought you'd like it." Husk recommends. "Thought maybe you... wanted to go up there before you go to bed, y'know to uh, drink... maybe?" He fumbles with his words.

"...yeah sure." I smile then finish off the last table.


We stand at the elevator, waiting for it to reach our level. I'm just following Husk because I have no idea how we're gonna get up there so I'm assuming he does... well obviously. He's been there before.

The elevator dings as the doors open. We step inside and Husk presses the very top button, sending us to the highest level of the hotel.

It was a long awkward ride up, but eventually we stopped and the doors opened revealing what looked to be an abandoned level of the hotel. It was dusty and broken down.

Husky shuffles out of the elevator and turns right. I follow him like a lost puppy.

He stops in front of a large metal panel on the wall. He grabs the panel and moves it, revealing a passageway with a set of steep stairs going up.

Husk crouches through the entrance then looking back at me and beckoning me through. I nod and follow him as he climbs the stairs.

He stops right before we hit the ceiling, opening a trapdoor. I feel the heat of hell enter through the opening as Husk climbs up. I follow close behind.

He makes it up and gives me a hand. He pulls me up and I stare out into the city which looked so small from all the way up here.

Husk, who still hasn't let go of my hand, leads me to a spot with a blanket laid down and a cooler off to the side which, I'm assuming, is holding alcohol.

We sit down and enjoy the view and each others presence.

"It's really nice up here." I comment. "How'd you find it?"

"Eh, I accidentally pressed the top button on the elevator when I was a little more than drunk and it brought me up. Next thing I knew the next morning, I was up here passed out with a headache from a place worse than this one." Husk explained then took a swig of his... whatever was in that bottle.

I nod and look back out to the vast city before us. I still felt Husk's hand on mine but I didn't question it. It... felt kinda nice.

Suddenly my stomach felt like it was floating or being tickled. What is this feeling?

I lay back and use my unoccupied hand as a pillow as I look at the crimson sky. Husk follows.

"Y'know. I've been down in hell for so long, I kind of miss the stars.." I break the comfortable silence.

Husk hums in agreement.

The warmth of Husk's hand on mine and the feeling of his presence made everything seem so peaceful. So perfect. I realize just how tired I really am as I drift off into a peaceful slumber.

*sorry for the short chapter but after waiting for so long I thought I'd give you guys something and that something was fluff.

Stay Tuned~

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