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{ Reia's POV }

None it's been four months since I've been gone and I've figured out a few more things.

I've been working on my hacking skills that Sabrina taught me a while back. I've used those same skills to find out some hidden information. Like the fact that according to Francesco death report he was drugged. The drug could've caused him to wreck, but that wasn't what we were told. We were told it was just a random car accident that killed him and Nana Elena.

So I did some more digging and according to all of his medical records and hospital reports he wasn't ever on that type of drug. He actually wasn't even on a lot of medicines like most his age are. He just takes blood pressure medicine.

This certain drug is used to make people a little  crazy, but when you mix it with other medicines such as medicine for blood pressure ; it's bound to make the person lose their mind. It's already commonly known people go crazy anyway.

Which probably means he was never really paranoid. It was a side effect from the drug he was being drugged with. In the end he had too much of it which more than likely caused him to have an attack in the car which then caused him to wreck. 

But who would have drugged him? And why?
Was it just to make him go crazy? And why did the family not know about the drugs in his system?


I've also looked into Anatoly and Adrian.
I've found something interesting to say the least. They do have one living relative.

Adrian's son.

Apparently Adrian was the sperm donor to a woman that they 'owned' and treated as a slave. It was kept secret because I'm assuming Anatoly found it shameful to his peers, and Adrian wanted to seem better than what he was. Which is crap.

Anatoly killed the child's mother or at least that's what everyone was told. I haven't been able to track down the mother's name yet.
I have hope that I will soon, and when I do it'll lead me to Adrian's son. Who I believe to be a few years older than me.

He could be involved. I don't know.
But everyone's innocent until proven guilty.


Since I've been gone from Italy I've gotten a small side job with Michael's sister Diane Gray.
Apparently it's the same job my mom once had.
Diane is now about to retire from the fashion world, and she needed a personal assistant to help her end everything. Michael helped me get the job, and helped me keep it off the books that way I can't be tracked down.

I've even improved my style the way I've always wanted too, and I am finally beginning to feel like I'm settling into who I am...and even
who I want to be.


Since I've been gone I've talked to Annika once..and from what I've heard things are going good. Although Annika says Cristian has become more cold and distant. She told me that Cristian, and my father don't get along at all but that my mother is making them keep the peace for the family's sake.

Annika says she spends her days trying to get Cristian out of his distant state, and doing tasks with Dimitri. I've picked up on a secret fling her and Dimitri seem to have going on—and personally I'm all for it.

The Mafia's Flower ( #2 in the Mafia Series )Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα