thirty five

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{ Reia's POV }

It's been two years since Cristian and I became the only bosses of the mafia as a whole, during that time we got married. Much like our wedding day — it's been a dream ever since.

However, Cristian and I have recently decided to step down. We just had our first child together, a daughter named Anastasia Capri.

We want to focus on raising her and allowing her freedoms without being paranoid every second. She will still have protection, and rules to follow, but we won't be in as much danger as we would be as the bosses. Cristian and I will be on the council with Thomas, Andrei, Annika, Dimitri, Nicolás, Isabel, Chan, Ezra, and Sabrina.

Zach, Dom, Vlad, and Luis are still in the mafia but they do more organizing trades, and doing the actual trades then anything else.

My mother Tori, father Luca, uncle Marco, and uncle Alex are all in New York with Michael and Greta...and even Vera. They don't get informed on the business regularly, but still just updated time to time...and if we needed them I know they would step back up to the plate and help.


As far as we know there is an uprising in gangs all over the world because they are joining forces with the people who helped Giovanni, much like Stefan did. We are getting to the bottom of it and have even learned of some more traders inside the mafia, but they disappeared before we could catch them.

They're getting good which is scary. 

We are trying to find new leads but we haven't had much luck. Today my mother came to Italy where Cristian, and I stay to visit us and Anastasia, who is a month old today.

But she said she had important things to discuss with me that I couldn't tell a soul about..


After I laid Anastasia down to sleep in her crib, I got some fresh lemonade for me and my mother to drink while we discuss whatever it is in my office where one of the cribs are.

"I came to visit you and Anastasia, but I have something important to tell you that I think you should know. It could potentially help us all." My mother starts off

"What is it?" I ask

"I know that Ander, is taking over as the boss for both you and Cristian; but I was sworn to protect this secret with my life." My mother says

I give her a nod.

"Remember the friend I told you about a long time ago? That had died coming to save me."
My mother asks

"Of course, he was important to all of you, which means he is still important to me. His name was Diego right?" I answer

"He spent some of his last words making me promise him something.." My mother starts

"As in his death wish?" I question

"Yes. He wanted me to find something of his, and protect it fiercely. He in-trusted me with this secret and until this day, I'm the only one who knows.."
my mother explains

"Mom, just tell me.." I nearly beg

"Diego De Luca, had a daughter with a woman he fell in love with while they were younger. The woman died when his daughter turnt sixteen, he had kept her hidden because that was their wish. Now she's a few years older than you. I've met her. I was the one who told her about her father, and I would go see her secretly while I was away from time to time to check in, more so after her mother passed. She knows almost everything there is to know about this life, much like you. She could be helpful...and she's willing. There's only one catch." My mother explains

"And what is it?" I ask

"No one can know about her." My mother replies

"How could she help? Does she fight or have certain information? I don't really understand." I ask my mother

"Both." She answers with a smirk

"Why do I feel like you are leaving something out?..." I ask her suspiciously

"I am but you'll find out when you meet her."
My mother smiles

"When do I meet her and where?" I ask

"Next week in Aruba."  She answers

"Can you at least tell me her name?" I ask

I wait a few minutes and finally she smiles widely and answers my question.

"Roslyn Shay." She answers

The End

The Mafia's Flower ( #2 in the Mafia Series )Where stories live. Discover now