thirty four

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{ Reia's POV }

It's been a few days since we found out Dr. Giovanni also known as Gio, was the one who originally started this whole mess... and today everyone is coming to Italy to meet with Cristian and I.
It's been decided that the two of us will lead the mafia as a whole together, and have everyone else just in charge and held accountable for their part. Which will be where they live.

It was everyone else's idea but after a long talk Cristian and I agreed deciding it was what is best for the mafias. Especially if we intend to figure out who is causing trouble, and coming against the family.


I'm sitting in the meeting room surrounded with the people I cherish most.

Cristian, My father, My mother, Uncle Marco, Michael, Greta, Dimitri, Andrei, Annika, Vera, Uncle Alex, Ezra, Dom, Zach, Sabrina, Isabel, Chan, Thomas, Harry, Nicolás, and Luis.

"I don't think we could be placed in better hands.." Thomas says and everyone agrees

"We are honored for this position, and we take it very seriously." Cristian replies

"To the bosses." Dom toasts and everyone clinks their glasses together and cheers "To the bosses!"

"I think this would be a good time to announce that Tori and I have decided to move to New York along with Michael, Greta, Alex, and Marco. We are getting older and we just want a simple life..but if you need us we'll be there." My father announces

All of start congratulating them. I know it'll be a good and fresh new beginning for them.

"All of us will be in New York as well, and we will help watch over them. Don't worry."
Ezra tells me and I nod gratefully

"I have also decided that if you two are willing. I wish to step down out of the mafia, and start going down a path of making my own family."
Harry says to Cristian and I

"If that is what you want.. you should have the freedom to do just that." I reply

"But never forget the omertà.."
Cristian reminds

Harry nods with a grateful smile

"So this is it? This is the last time all of us will be together again." Sabrina says

I nod and say "I guess it is.."

"Times really are changing." Annika adds

All of nod in agreement not believing we have came this far, and that we are still moving forward.


Everyone is doing there own thing now but me and Cristian we are going to his room where we have been sleeping since we first came back to Italy. Moving fast? Maybe. Have we done the deed? No. I'm waiting for my wedding night.

When we enter the bedroom fully I notice sliver roses all around the room.

"What is all of this?" I ask Cristian as he closes the bedroom door behind us. I turn around and see him knelt on one knee.

I let out a gasp.

"Rei, I'm in love you. I always have been, and I know for a fact that I always will be. This life is dangerous and I don't want to waste anytime. Especially when I know that you are the one for me, and that's something I've always known. We were made for each other...and I will love you everyday of my life, I will respect you, I will be there for you, and I will treat you like royalty for as long as I live...if you do me the honor of spending the rest of your life by my side." Cristian says

"So what do you say, will you marry me?"
Cristian asks

"Of course." I answer smiling with tears in my eyes

He pulls me to him and I kiss him. He takes my left hand, and places the ring on my finger.

He'll be my husband one day.


It's been a few hours since we've gotten engaged.
We are laying in bed and he is surprisingly playing with my hair.

"I'm worried." I finally express

"About what?" Cristian asks me

"About the mafia with all the constant threats. I don't ever want to raise children, especially a daughter in these circumstances. I want my children to be able to be who they want to be.
I want them to have a normal childhood.
I want the peace and freedom for them, that I never had." I explain my thoughts

Cristian is silent for a while then he says "One day whenever we are ready to have a family, we will find someone else to run it who doesn't want a family, and then we will still give our support by being on the council."

"You make it sound easy.." I tell him

"It won't be but I'll find a way for you. I promise." Cristian promises me

"Okay." I say

"Okay." He replies

And with that I drift to sleep thinking about what awaits the mafia and all of our family members...

I hope all of us make it.

The Mafia's Flower ( #2 in the Mafia Series )Where stories live. Discover now