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{ Reia's POV }

Our two weeks in Russia have passed, we are leaving today, and heading back to Mexico for a few days before we go and meet the British before the mafia ball.


While we were in Russia — I saw Andrei everyday, and I learnt more Russian fighting tactics..but that's not all I learned.

Turns out that right after my grandfathers Francesco's car accident, and leading up to my grandfather Val's death ; there was a ton of Russian shipments, and buildings that got blown up in between both of their deaths.

It looks like all the mafias were being hit around the same time or at least what seems to be for a similar reason. To destroy and cause chaos. I told Nicolás my theory about all of these events being connected, and that I believe whoever did it is trying to cover their tracks.

Over my dead body will my two families ever fight each other and possibly kill each other.

Over my dead body will all the mafias fall just because one person is plotting them against each other.

I'm going to figure this all out, and when I do I'm going to make sure justice is served.


Eventually Nicolás and I arrive back in Mexico and now we are in his office with Luis. We just got done filling Luis in on what we did and what we learned in Mexico.

"So the three of us are going to the mafia ball?"
Luis asks us as if we've gone crazy

"Yes." Nicolás answers for like the tenth time

"When is it?" Luis asks

"Next week but Reia and I are leaving in a few days to meet with the British mafia boss."
Nicolás explains

"I'm being left behind again." Luis says

"Not exactly. You are coming but you are just coming after us.." I tell Luis

"That shouldn't have turned me on."
Luis mutters under his breath and Nicolás immediately cusses at him.

"Get your head out of the gutter." I tell him

"Or at least keep it to yourself. Be respectful." Nicolás adds

"Okay. Okay." Luis says throwing his hands up in mock surrender.

"Now back to what we need to discuss. I need you to stay behind and contact Ezra, and find out if they had any odd behavior on their side of the mafia around the time of Francesco's accident and Valente's murder." Nicolás says

"I'll find out before you leave to meet with the British." Luis says getting back serious

"You'll meet us at the British mansion for the ball being they are the ones hosting."
Nicolás explains more

"How many men should I take?" Luis asks

"Ten but they don't enter the ball. It's only for higher ranked mafia members. It's simply just the mafia bosses, and the underbosses, and their dates." Nicolás explains

"The third in command so to speak gets invited too if I remember correctly, but a lot of mafias don't have one." I add

"How do you know so much about mafia laws?"
Luis questions me

"Actually reading books. Reading helped me not feel so alone. I didn't read cheesy romance novels, I read all about the mafia. I know the ins and outs of it. Not that it matters considering I'm not actually in it, but I tend to know more about the mafia, than most mafia members do." I say shrugging

"I keep forgetting you aren't sworn in."
Nicolás says

"I never do." I say quietly but they hear it

"Reia I don't mean to get involved in your family problems, but you are free to be sworn into any mafia, and it would count."
Nicolás says

"I know but I don't want anyone to change the rules for me." I say

"Each mafia has a different way of swearing someone in, and at any point in time the boss could change it...but I don't think anyone would have to bend the rules for you. I truly believe you could be sworn in to every part of the mafia. You are smart, and despite what you may think or what they told you, you are good at fighting. You are a fast leaner, you just have to find your style, and then you'll be a force to stop." Nicolás says giving me a pep talk

"I appreciate that you think that but I still haven't found my style of fighting. That's if I even have one.." I point out


We had dinner then all of us turned in to get a good nights sleep because in the morning I'm going to work with a designer that designs Nicolás's suits. The designer is suppose to help me design a dress quickly so we can get it done and Luis offered to bring it with him when he comes for the ball.

I am excited for my first mafia ball, but I'm also nervous about meeting the British, and whoever else might be there that I've never met. I love people and I love having freedom but I still can't help but feel anxiety when I think about what's coming up.

I'm most nervous to have to face Cristian.

I shouldn't be..

But I am..

And I don't know why...

The Mafia's Flower ( #2 in the Mafia Series )Where stories live. Discover now