Chapter 12

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"Funny," I mutter humorlessly while drawing circles on my skin. "I didn't even see the double meaning behind that statement."

"What do you mean by that?" Maria asks.

Looking up from my legs, I briefly glance over at her before grabbing my shoes and standing up.

"Well, that's just another long portion to the already long story you have to listen to. I'll spare you those details for now. Besides, I feel my time is up."

I gesture to the watch around her wrist, my eyes blankly looking out at the world. Maria glances down at her watch as she stands. "

"Yes, technically, but-"

"It's fine, Maria. I'll be back soon enough." I interrupt, a fake little laugh escaping my lips right after. I slip my heels on before taking large strides towards the door. "Besides, I really should be going. Have a great rest of your day."

The hallway is long and quiet, except for the audible noise of the door closing behind me. Making my way back into the lobby, I open the front doors and re-welcome myself to the outside world.

The clock inside read a little past noon, and I can't imagine where Adeline is at this time. Sighing, I allow my sore feet to carry me wherever they please, the sound of a few cars honking making me cringe as I walk towards the available phone booth.

"Come on," I mumble as I shuffle through my small purse, looking for the stupid quarters.

Shoving them into the slot, I quickly punch in the digits of his number. Placing the phone by my ear, I impatiently wait for an answer.

Pick up, pick up, pick up.

"Hello?" Aiden's deep voice sounds through the phone. I hear slight movement in the background, and so I guess he's at work.

Wow. No shit, Sherlock.

"Hey, um, what time do you need me over tonight?" I ask, biting my bottom lip in anticipation. The line's silent for a few seconds, causing me to pull it back and check the phone. A heavy sigh bares through the phone, making me put it back to my ear.

"Cameron, why didn't you just text me? I have a lot of meetings, and I really don't need you calling for simple questions like this."

Rolling my eyes, I tap my foot on the sidewalk, trying to think of how I'm going to get home. "I know, and I'm sorry-"

"Then why the hell are you calling right now?"

"My phone is dead, so I really had no other choice but to call. I'm just trying to figure out when you want me over, but if that's just too damn hard for you to answer, then forget I asked." My voice grew louder towards the end, my lips pressed in a hard line as the line remains quiet yet again. "Aiden-"

"Hey, Sean, go ahead and start. I'll be back in a minute. . . Yeah thanks." The faint sound of him walking and breathing makes me antsy, and he's nowhere near me at the moment. I tug at the bottom of the dress just as his voice comes through, "You seem to have this attitude lately, and my patience is running real fucking low with you. I suggest you fix it, fast, before I take care of it. You got that?"

His voice is low, and if he could see the goosebumps rising on my skin, he would probably be satisfied with himself.


"Be there at six." He curtly says before the line clicks dead.

Resting my arm up against my forehead, I quickly dial Adeline's number before my time runs out.

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