Chapter 19

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I groan with every other step, the ache between my legs slowly subsiding. While I can blame my soreness on a certain person, he's also the person I begged to keep going. This wasn't the first time I've spent the whole weekend at Aiden's, but I don't think we've ever done so many rounds over the course of three days.

I'm tired.

Physically, my body is tired, but it still yearns for his touch; even after I left yesterday afternoon. Now, I'm slowly making my way into Adeline's room, trying to be as discrete as possible, as I recall Aiden's hands on my body.

"Do you feel okay, now?" Adeline asks as I practically jump on her bed. Face down on the sheets, I feel a tiny body climb onto my back.

"Mommy, what wrong with Cammie?" Lily asks while patting her small hands on my back. I let out a soft chuckle at her thoughtful concern.

"I don't know, sweetie," Adeline says as I feel Lily's body get off mine. I turn my head to the side to see the two blondes smiling down at me, "But maybe you can help her feel better."

"I'm okay," I say while sitting up on the bed. "See?"

Lily pokes her tongue out while smiling brightly at her mother. Adeline, on the other hand, rolls her eyes and smiles back at Lily.

"Yay!" Lily exclaims, throwing her hands in the air.

The smile on my face fades as Mrs. James makes her presence known while leaning against the door frame. I smack my teeth ever so lightly as she fully enters the room.

"I'm going to meet your father for lunch," she states while giving me the most obvious glare. I brush her actions off as Adeline gives me a sympathetic look. Mrs. James grabs Lily, perching her up on her small waist. "I can take Lily."

"Okay, her bag is-"

"The bag is in the playroom, along with her toys. I know, I'm the one who put them there." She rudely cuts Adeline off. "When does this date of yours begin?"

"At eight."

Mrs. James mumbles a simple 'okay' before walking out the room, barely acknowledging my existence.

"Why eight?" I curiously ask, resting my chin in the palm of my hand.

How long is this thing supposed to me last?

"I don't know; Austin picked the time." She replies while walking over to her closet, "You're not trying to bail, are you?"

"As much as I would like to," I begin with a cheeky smile, "I'm not."

Adeline let's out a breath of air, her shoulders visibly relaxing after my reply. I don't get why she's pulling for this Austin guy so much. As far as I'm concerned, he's just another person I'll spend just one night. I'm assuming she knows a little something about Austin, but I can't help but wonder how she'd react to Aiden.

"You're gonna have a good time, Cam. Dylan thinks you'll like him a lot."

"Really?" I ask with peaked interest. "How old is he? What does he even do? You know, a blind date doesn't have to be completely blind."

"Doesn't that defeat the purpose?" She retorts before clearing her throat to the unamused look on my face. "Um, he works at this big company downtown, I don't really know."

"So," I drag out unnecessarily, "how old is he?" Adeline grabs our dresses from out her closet, carefully laying them over her vanity chair while avoiding eye contact. "Adeline?"

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