Chapter 27

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I threw my book bag over my shoulder after getting my umbrella up, the pouring rain hitting the ground hard as I briskly walked across the lot.

This makes day four of me trying to ignore Grayson at this school and in all honestly, it hasn't been working out for me. While I sit as far away as I can in chemistry, it doesn't stop him from leaving and arriving to and from school at the same time as me.

I decided to take a detour today and it pushed me back five minutes off my regular drive to school. Not that I'm complaining, if I can not be around him then I'm fine.

Small droplets of water hit the tiled floor as I walk past the front doors, the small squeaks of shoes rubbing against the wet floor sounding throughout the entire hallway.

I make a quick turn into the office, the quietness of the room calming as I close the glass door softly. "Good morning." The front desk lady greeted as she stopped searching through the stack of papers in her hand.

"Good morning," I replied while crossing my arms in the counter.

"What can I do for you?" She asked.

"I was wondering if I can change my schedule?" I asked while tapping my finger against the countertop. She looked at me confusedly as I swung my book bag around and pulled out my schedule. "I have a free block second period, so I was wondering if I can switch my chemistry class there?"

She pulls her reading glass on as I hand her my crumbled schedule. "It's very late into the semester miss Woods, I'm not sure they'll let you switch out at this point."

My hope started to deteriorate on the inside as I grab my schedule back from her. "Are you sure?" I asked, my shoulders noticeably slouching.

Her eyes glanced over to the door and I glance over my shoulder to see Grayson entering the office, his hoodie and hair wet as he stood by the door. My breathing hitched slightly as I slowly turned my head away. "Yes I'm sure, I'm sorry."

I nod my head before backing away from the counter and over towards him. "Excuse me," I shakily said before he stepped out of the way. The noisy hallway somehow managed to bring back my previous thoughts; my head swarming with the words Grayson said Saturday night.

"Cameron!" I heard him call and I start to walk a bit faster. "H-Hey," he said while placing his hand in my shoulder. Slightly startled at how fast he caught up to me, I brush his hand off while glaring up at him.

"Don't touch me." I breathily said while crossing my arms across my chest. I could make out my friends standing in our typical morning spot, but there's no chance of them seeing me in the swarm of people.

"Don't do that," he casually said, "you'll draw attention to yourself."

"What do you want, Grayson?" I asked, annoyance evident in my voice. I feel too close to him, like if I don't move away I'll crumble away.

"You're trying time switch out chemistry?" He asked, although knowing him it was probably intended to be a statement. I shove the slip of paper in my hoodie pocket as we walk further down the hall. "Changing class isn't going to stop us."

"There is no us." I sneered while looking up at him. He let out a dry chuckle before he shook his head and walked away. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding as I walked the few remaining feet towards my friends.

"Good morning," Damon greeted while draping his arm around my shoulders. He leaned down, a quick to my forehead before he engaged back to conversation. Adeline hasn't told anyone else about her night with Cole, and I haven't told a soul about Grayson that night.

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