Chapter 23

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"You good?" Jason asked as we walked towards the bathrooms, cleaning supplies in hand.

I was going to call in today, say I couldn't come in, but I haven't been here long and I don't need to be lying this early. I pretty much forced Kristen and Hayden to let me stay over last night, mainly because I didn't want to run into Grayson at home. They agreed without hesitation and everyone else joined along. It was one of the best nights I've had in the last few weeks; I'm just upset it took me getting so creeped out to have such a good night with my friends. Hayden drove me home early this morning so I could grab my work clothes and I never wanted to leave my neighborhood so fast.

"Y-Yeah, why?" I asked while leaning outside of the women's bathroom door.

"You're quiet. Not your usual annoying self." He joked before pushing past the men's door, causing me to roll my eyes as I did the same.

The bustling noise from the arcade was blocked out by the door and I couldn't be happier to be alone in this bathroom. No more than ten minutes have gone by, the final thing for me to do was to wipe down the mirror and sinks. I hummed to myself as I wiped away at the glass, my reflection so clear as I slowly stopped wiping.

"Just a couple more months," I sighed. I quickly started moving again at the sound of the door opening, in walking two girls. I kindly greeted, "Hi."

The red head gave a meek smile while the blonde barely recognized my existence in the room. They didn't necessarily talk quietly as I finished up my task, part of their conversation piquing my interest.

"You didn't leave last night?" One of them said, the tone of her voice clearly shocked and impressed. Who even talks like this behind the door of the stalls?

"No," the other giggled out, "and I didn't want to either. He was so good."

My face morphed into a look of embarrassment as I realized they were talking about her fling last night.

"Damn. How'd you not get caught?"

"We did," one replied as I made me way towards the door. "His mom looked pissed."

She began talking after that, but the noise of the arcade overpowered her voice as I pushed past the door and back to the break room. I figured Jason wasn't back as I didn't see the set of cleaning supplies he took back on the shelf. Placing the supplies down, I wiped my palms down against my thighs as I walked back out.

"Cameron, good," my boss stopped me in my tracks. "I need you to go help Mahogany over in bowling. Where's Jason?" He asked.

"I think he's still in the bathroom." I rushed out as he began walking again. He threw me a thumbs up as he walked further away. "Okay," I held out as I walked over to the bowling area, the clanking of the pins filling my ears as I rounded the corner.

"Carlos sent you over?" Mahogany asked as she handed the party of six their shoes. I nodded my head while leaning against the counter, "Thank goodness."

I saw two people coming out my peripheral, my body standing straight as I waited for them to approach the counter. It was then I noticed it was the redhead from earlier and some guy. "Yeah, these are too big, can I get a six instead?" The red head stated more than asked as she placed the shoes on the counter.

She also needs an attitude adjustment.

"Yeah, no problem. What about you?" I asked the guy beside her, his blue eyes looking me up and down as he pulled in his bottom lip. Redhead eyed us before scrolling back to her phone, her presence alone making me annoyed.

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