Chapter 22

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Grayson hasn't been to school in the past two days and to say a wasn't concerned would be a slight lie. My mom sat back on the couch, a smile big across her face as she holds the phone to her ear as if it was going to up and leave her. This is the first time Derek has called in the past two months, so to say she's elated would be an understatement.

"That's good. When do you get out next month?" She asked, referring to when he gets out for Thanksgiving break. "Yeah, I think we're gonna go up to Charlotte's this year."

Aunt Charlotte? Haven't seen her in about a year.

I look down as my phone started ringing, Kristen's contact name scrolling across the screen. "What's up?" I answered as I entered my room, my eyes briefly glancing towards the window.

"Hey, you're not doing that couples costume thing on Friday right?" She gnawed at the eraser end of her pencil while staring down at the paper below her.

"I didn't plan on dressing up," I stated while perching my phone upright on the vanity top. I caught her eyes looking up at me as I opened my laptop.

"It's the girl's Halloween party, why wouldn't you dress up?" She asked.

In all honesty, I wasn't all that excited to go out this Friday but I feel it's been forever since we've all hung out—just us.

"Why are we going to a sixteen year old's party? I'm pretty positive you two are not friends like that." I countered, earning an eye roll from her.

"Because it's David's little sister and he just so happens to be in our grade. It's practically two separate parties if you think about it, but that's not the point right now."

"Well, no, I doubt we're doing the couples costume thing. Is there a reason you asked?"

I knew she was trying to coordinate these outfits. An agonizingly long ten minutes later, Kristen finally made up her mind about this costume thing. "Great," I exasperated while typing away at the keyboard. "Now please shut up about the costumes."

"Oh, shut up." Kristen rolled her eyes and stood up from her laying position, "Do you know the address? Shit, Grayson isn't coming right?"

"Not that I know of; I haven't really talked to him." I glanced over at the window again only to see his lights still turned off. I stood up and walked over to pull the curtains in, something I should get in the habit of doing more.

"As you shouldn't," Kristen voiced from the phone. The only one who will give him the time of day is Adeline, and even then she doesn't really say much. Not that I blame her or any of them. "Anyways it's at their country club or something, over on Germon Avenue."

"A country club?" I asked while regaining my seat in the chair. Kristen nods her head as I write the address down in my phone.

Moving away from the topic of parties and Halloween, we talked for twenty minutes before ending the call. Growing tired of the mindless online shopping I was doing, I closed my computer and proceeded to walk back down stairs.

"Derek's gone?" I asked as my mother turned to look at me, the house phone now resting on the arm of the couch.

"Yeah, I'm sorry." I shrugged my shoulders while treading over to the over couch. "I made sure to tell him to call more often."

"It's whatever Mom, if he calls he calls." I said while stretching out on the two seater couch. "Oh, what were you talking about earlier with Aunt Charlotte?"

I'm not entirely sure what their problem is or how it even started. For being sisters they rarely talk, and we barely go to the family gatherings throughout the year. Deep down I feel that could be the reality for me and Derek. She looked over at me, the slight creases on her forehead showing she was trying to find the right words.

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