Chapter 25

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Ah, Christmas day, what a lovely day! I can't remember the last time I celebrated holidays like this. Maybe it's because I never had someone to call family, so it didn't feel right. I think of Christmas as a family holiday. A holiday you're surrounded by friends and family that care, support you and love you, I guess. I'm not sure what love feels like.

I always spent them either surrounded by strangers or alone in my room listening to music or reading a book.

I wish that one day I'll be able to call someone my family. I think this is one of the things I envy about my friends. I envy Aiden's mum for, despite all her financial issues and working 3 jobs to provide for her and Aiden, she always found time to spend with him. She never once stops showing her love for him. I envy Lucas and Matts, parents for supporting them and not looking at them any differently than before they spoke to them about their sexual preferences. This is how it should be!

The foster parents I had either didn't really care about me, pay attention to me, listen to me or showed me their love for me with a fist. I shiver runs down my spine remembering those times.

I'm not sure if I want kids in the future. I'm not sure if I'll be any good at it. How am I supposed to teach them about love when I'm clueless about it too. A small part of me that wants kids thought, wants to treat them how they should be treated. Give them the life I never had but wish to. Learn what love is and offer it to them unconditionally. Be my most prized possession along with their mother.

I used to think that I'll never find someone, that I'll never have a family of my own, but then someone came into my life unexpectedly and gave me hope again. A purpose to keep on going.

"Axel come down honey, " I hear Rebecca yell at me from downstairs. I let out a sigh and mentally prepare myself for what is going to happen.

"Why are you calling him down? We'll be late!" I can hear Patrick speak in a harsh voice, not even a day like this can lighten this man's mood up.

"What? Are we just going to leave him here on his own?" Rebecca says.

"It's not like it's the first time!" Patrick scoffs.

"But it's Christmas, " Rebecca says the most obvious thing.

I roll my eyes and rub my forehead with my fingers before going down the 4 remaining steps making myself visible to them.

Patrick scoffs at my entrance whilst Rebecca smiles at me. I keep my face as always blank and cross my arms across my chest leaning on the railing of the stairs.

"We're going to Patrick's family for lunch honey, why don't you wear a jacket and come with us?" Rebecca says with a beaming smile.

"Absolutely not!" Patrick opens his mouth not giving me a chance to speak on the matter.

"Why?" Rebecca says annoyed.

To be honest, I wouldn't mind going with them. That's why I came here in the first place. Is not the first time anyway that I'll be surrounded by strangers pretending to care about me.

"I don't want an embarrassment like him to ruin such a wonderful day, " he says pointing his finger at me when he spat the word him.

You know what? Forget what I said before.

Now I do mind.

I don't want to go.

It'll be better if I'm on my own. I don't have the strength to argue with him today.

"Patrick!" Rebecca scolds him as if he is 10.

"It's okay I didn't want to come anyway. Merry Christmas, " I say and moving back towards my room.

"Axel, " Rebecca calls out to me but I ignore her.

After a few more minutes of hearing them yell at one another, I finally hear the front door shutting and locking. At least I'll spend Christmas in peace and quiet, that's something rare!

I close my eyes enjoying the silence until my phone vibrated beside me. I turn and look at it picking it up instantly when I saw that Mia was the one that texted me.

"Merry Christmas, handsome!"

She calls me that ever since she first said it when we went ice skating.

I quite like it! It's flattering honestly.

"Merry Christmas to you too, " I text her back.

"What are doing today? Any plans with your family?"

"Nah, I'll spend the day alone."


"They went to Patrick's family for lunch and dinner I think, I stayed home. Patrick didn't want me there."

"Wow! He's a true asshole with capital letters!"

"Yeah, he is, " I chuckle.

"Do you have a fireplace?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at her question.

She is so random sometimes.

"Yeah, why?"

"Light it up, grab some blankets to make a fort out of them and make hot chocolate and stay there."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because it's Christmas! Come on pls for me?"

"Ugh, fine just because is Christmas!" I lied.

I'm only doing it because she told me to.

"Thank you! I will talk to you later I have a few important things to do, bye!"


I close my eyes for a second thinking if I should really put in the effort and do what Mia suggested.

My phone vibrates again and I let out a groan. Why don't people just leave me alone? I put it on mute but still read Mia's message.

"Now Axel!"

"Okay, Jeesh I'm doing them!"

How did she know? I hope she didn't put secret cameras that night she carried my drunk ass upstairs. I look around alarmed but don't see anything. I think I'm being paranoid right now.

I get up and go to the guestroom where all the blankets are store at. I grab 4 just to make sure I had enough to make a fort. Shit! How do you even make a fort? I hope their youtube videos about it! Or else is going to be a failure.

And yeah built a fort task failed. What a shocker! I did manage though to light up the fireplace! And last but not least hot chocolate. We didn't have hot chocolate so I went out bought some, came back and finally after 15 minutes manage to make one.

I open the tv and lay on the sofa. After spending 2 hours watching random movies that I don't know the name of, a familiar movie started playing. Home alone the first one. They always play this movie, it never gets old.

I hear the doorbell ring, ugh! Who is it now! I let out a heavy sigh and debated whether to answer the door or pretend I can't hear. After 5 minutes of consistent ringing from the person behind that door, I decided to open it. I wanted to see who on earth had such a determination to get my ass over there.

Opening the door I think my face fall on the floor.

"What... How did you... What are you doing here?"

I couldn't believe my eyes right now.


Hey guys, I hope you're all doing well!

So, who do you think is behind that door, huh? 👀

Feel free to comment & vote! ❤️

And I'll see you guys tomorrow, have a nice day/night! Xx

All the love, ❤️

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