❥1: The Earlybird Special

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If any of you little copy cats even think about plagiarizing, please refer to the picture on the right side.

Got it? Good.

(I'm actually nice when people don't piss me off, I swear! )

Now on with the story!

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy the first chapter!


||November 23|| (Jessica's Birthday)


"Yes?" I snapped, snatching my phone up.

"I have a question...."


"What's your opinion on chocolate pancakes?"

"Are you serious?!" I groaned.

"What's not to be serious about?"

"It's five in the morning, Jesus," I mumbled.

"Too early for you?"

"I would say yes, but that's quite the understatement. Now shut up and go to sleep!" I responded barely awake, with my eyes half open and hair matted on the top of my head like a wet dog.

"Okay, mom," Brooke responded. I could practically hear her rolling her eyes at me.

"Whatever, loser. Bye!" I swiftly hung up. Brooke could be quite the handful sometimes, if I do say so myself. But hey, aren't all best friends?

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"Again?" I mumbled, brushing the bedhead out of my face.

"What?!" I screamed into the phone.

"Woah, someone's having a bad morning...." Brooke mumbled.

"I wonder why..." I replied sarcastically. I reached out for my watch on my nightstand to check the time. It read 7:31. Seriously? It's waaay too early in the morning for this nonsense.

"Well, I have called to inform you that I'm here, so open up!!" I heard excessive banging on the front door.

"But it's too earlyyyyyy," I whined.

"Jessica Anne Blue, open the front door right this instant!!"

"Okay, mom," I responded, repeating what she had said earlier. I slowly sat up in my bed, got up, and walked like a zombie over to the bathroom to brush my teeth and attempt to make my hair at least somewhat presentable.

"Hurry it up!" I heard more pounding on the front door.

"Coming!" I called as I stomped my way down the stairs.

"Hello Br--" My jaw dropped as I saw a bunch of people standing in front of me.

"Surprise!!!" They screamed, holding up plates chocolate chip pancakes. I think someone even threw some confetti up in there.

I screeched, slammed the door in their faces, and ran back up the stairs.

"Ppfff, you think I don't know where you hide the spare key?!" I heard Brooke yell as I stumbled down the hallway and back into my bedroom. I heard the door open and a bunch of people pile into my flat as I changed into more acceptable attire. I mean, anything is more acceptable than Hello Kitty pajamas.

I crept slowly back down the stairs and found everyone chatting in my kitchen.

"Psst! Brooke!" I whispered-yelled from the doorway of the kitchen. Luckily, everyone's back was to me, so they didn't notice.

I saw her eyes widen in recognition as she quickly wrapped up her conversation and made her way over to me.

"Why is everyone here?!"

"Happy 19th birthday!!" She screamed in my ear. I saw people's heads turn my way and I blushed.

"Happy birthday Jess!" I heard my friends call over from the kitchen.

"But it's not even eight in the morning..." I whined.

"Too bad. Happy birthday!!" Brooke screamed again.

"I just wanted to sleep in..." I mumbled.

"Eh, whatever... I brought chocolate chip pancakes!" Brooke smiled and clapped excitedly.

Oh... Well I guess that makes sense now.

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A/N: Thanks for reading!! Just a heads up, this is NOT edited. And autocorrect is very mean. So basically, if you find any spelling or grammatical errors, feel free to point them out (kindly).

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Alex <3

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