8 / Fruits

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Morning News

It has been 60 days since Aurora Flight 1117 went missing.
By now, everyone lost hope.
The government had given order to stop looking for them but the disaster management are still on the move to see where have the flight crashed to.

The survival chances of people who boarded Aurora Flight 1117 is 0.01% at this rate and we send our deepest condolences once again.


Jinnie002 : I miss Hyejoo so much, I hope she is doing well in the afterlife.

Tony7 : Hyejoo-ah, we still believe in you for you to return
       →Greys : Stop having false hope   
             dude, she is not coming back

          → Tony7 : She will come back you
                 get lost

               → Jaein : Is this the poor 

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Jwy_loml : Wooyoung-ah we miss you

Only_wooyoung : We will wait for you even if it takes forever

Bethsacky : I pity the family of all the people from Aurora Flight 1117 so much ㅠ.ㅠ

Harin01 : Stay strong everyone

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"You're beard is tickling me, get off!"

"It isnt even that long yet, what are you talking about?"

Hyejoo tried pushing away the boy who is sleeping behind her back and hung onto her like a koala. Her only shirt was sleeveless and Wooyoung had to put his chin on her shoulder.

"Its long enough to stink me just get off", she push him again but he laugh like a madman and move his chins around her shoulder making the girl scream in agony.

"I'm going to fucking kill you Jung Wooyoung", she scream and kick his side.

"Ouch! Okay okay I'll stop"

They came down from the hut and went for fruit hunting again. They have both visibly lost weight by having only fruits as their full course meal and they cant even complain when they cant do anything else. They cant make fire nor even catch a fish, hunting for animal is a big no if they didnt want to become the meal.

"How long do you think we've been here?", Hyejoo ask while stretching her arms out to pluck some plums.

"Around 60 days if I'm correct", Wooyoung answer and tried climbing up on an apple tree.

"What would we do if this island wasnt blessed with fruits?", she sigh and gather all the plums into a DIY basket she made a week ago.

"I dont know, eat you?", Wooyoung joke and Hyejoo threw the plum in his butt who was hunging like a monkey on the apple tree's brunches.

"You cannibal!", Hyejoo snorted and walk around the tree, looking for some beautiful view.

"Maybe I didnt mean it that way", Wooyoung snicker and Hyejoo pick up the fruit and threw it at him again. "Pervert!".

"Stop wasting the fruit! Here catch these", Wooyoung scold the girl and told her to catch the fruit she threw which he managed to catch along with the apples.

"Stop plucking more it will only go bad"

"Just one more"

Hyejoo rolled her eyes at the boy that said 'just one more' for the fifth time now.

They headed home after a lot of bickering and enter their hut again. They rest and eat their fruits, avoiding any conversations that could remind them of their home.

"Tell me about your first love", Wooyoung suddenly blurted out. By the look of the long face on the girl he quickly apologized but shook her head indicating she was fine.

"I've never been in a relationship and one day, my parents told me I'm engaged to a son of their bussiness partner. I was very angry at first, wanted to marry someone I love, but he was a total sweetheart. He made me realized that arranged marriage wasnt so bad, so I fell in love with him. We were supposed to get married a month ago", there was no tears in her eyes, just the sad face that reminds her of home.

"I'm very sorry. Once we escaped this Island, you can still marry him"

"Yeah like if he wanted to marry a smelly 60 years old granny"

They laugh at the lame joke but however the laugh was not sincere, it was mixed with emotions and regret.

"What about you?", Hyejoo ask back

"Theres this girl in our company, we were a trainee together and she was really pretty, she would probably be the visual of the group if she ever debut..."

"She didnt debut?"

"Caught up in scandal. We were so close to the point I was almost close to asking her out. Turns out she was engaged in drugs and her face was nothing but a plastic..."


"Yeah laugh at me all you want. My first love was a plastic looking doll"

"But if you only fell in love with her face, would that still count as a first love?"

"Your right! She was the only girl I ever get closed to and since then you can say I'm afraid of girls"

"Yeah 'afraid', you told me if I wanted to fuck you on the plane back then"

"I didnt say I wanted to fuck you oh my god!"

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