One giant splash

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Chapter nine: One giant splash (Emma's POV)

Zoey and Landon were really hitting it off, good for them. I, on the other hand, was sitting here quietly. I'm not gonna interrupt Zoey and Landon's conversation, I'm not gonna talk to Nick who for some reason chose to sit beside me, and I can't talk to Liam because Nick is sitting beside me. It doesn't leave me with much to do, except watch the show. 

I cleared my throat, "Can I ask, did someone choose these seats for us?" I asked nobody in particular. 

"I don't think so, we're all kind of scattered all over this place, why?" Liam leaned forward, answering my question. 

"Frankly, we're sitting in the second row from the Orca so we're probably the ones who will get soaked at the end," I shrugged. 

"Is that a problem?" he asked. 

"Unless everyone here is okay with spending the rest of the day in wet clothes, I don't think so," I replied. 

"We could just get out of here before the end," Liam shrugged. He's flirting. A lot. 

"I don't think you have time," Nick smirked.

I looked at him in confusion before looking at the front. 

Nevermind. Maybe they don't wait till the end for that one giant splash. 

Screams, shrieks, and cheers echoed throughout the arena. Zoey screamed beside me while I just tried my hardest to cover my face but clearly I wasn't able to. Hence I am soaked. Head to toe. 

I panted as the cold water dripped down my spine, giving me chills. "You have got to be fucking kidding me," I mumbled. 

"Welcome to Miami Seaquarium!" the host spoke into their microphone before flipping into the water. 

This is the welcome. Let's see what the ending is like. 

Throughout the show, everyone cheered, filmed, talked, laughed, clapped and we were finally reaching the end. 

"All right, maybe we could-" I began but nope. Too little too late. Another giant splash. "Never fucking mind," I sighed running my hand through my hair. 

"Now you get why I suggested we all left our phones in the car?" Nick asked while running his hand through his hair, pushing the wet locks back. 

"You never said that!" Liam groaned. 

"I told Emma, and Landon, who told Zoey. Huh, I guess you didn't get the memo," he said while people around us began standing up and heading to the exit. 

"Was that necessary? You couldn't have just told him to leave his phone too?" I asked while he walked behind me, getting out of the aisle as we headed to the exit. 

"He'll live," he mumbled as we exited the arena and stepped back out. 

Some other people were soaked but for the most part, everyone was dry. "We're heading out to lunch at SALT Waterfront, we'll meet you all there," Madeline grabbed my arm and told me. 

"Wait, we can't go and change at the hotel?" I gaped at her. 

"Grab a towel, we don't have time to stop by," she shrugged while William pulled her into their car. 

This is Miami. 

I put my hair up in a bun at the top of my head and grabbed my shirt, peeling it off and pulling it over my head, twisting it, getting rid of the water it had absorbed. 

"What are you doing?" Nick stood in front of me, blocking me from anyone. 

"Well, I don't plan to be completely soaked all day. And this is Miami, Nick. Nobody cares," I shrugged while shaking out my shirt, and tucking it into my waistband, keeping it handy to throw on once it dries. 

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