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Chapter thirty: Ketchup (Emma's POV)

Halfway through the shopping trip, we had ditched everyone there and decided to meet Zo and Landon at the closest restaurant which really wasn't too far since everyone was here at Brickell City Centre anyway. 

Currently, Nick and I were just walking around aimlessly, rocking our held hands back and forth and talking about random things. 

"I taught you that," he looked at me. 

"No, you didn't," I scoffed. 

"Yes, I did. I showed it to you and you got all curious as to how the hell I did it and demanded that I teach you," he laughed. 

"Nick, you did not teach me how to do that," I rolled my eyes. We were talking about this trick that we knew. You take a garden hose, and if you press the nozzle the right way and hold it up in front of the sun, it forms a rainbow. 

"Yes, I did," he nodded insistingly, "Go back down memory lane," he gave me a pointed look. 

I thought about it long and hard when the memory hit me. We were in his backyard, fooling around with the hose, spraying water all over each other. I remember now. I had the hose and I drenched him head to toe. He grabbed me and snatched the hose from me. I remember my back being pressed up against his chest while he locked me in and showed it to me. It was so fascinating to see it the first time. A little rainbow made whenever we wanted. 

"Oh yeah, that's right," I nodded, "You did teach me," I laughed as we walked into a restaurant and got a table for four. 

Landon and Zo joined us after a while. I was sitting beside Nick with the other two opposite to me and we were all enjoying our food. We had ordered two baskets of fries, splitting one between the two of us. As we were eating and talking, we all suddenly stopped when Landon took the ketchup bottle and put it all over his fries. 

"No!" Nick, Zo, and I shrieked in sync. A few people turned to us with surprise and confusion. 

"Landon, what are you doing?!" I took the bottle from him before he drowned his fries in ketchup. 

"What?" he asked in confusion. 

"You don't put ketchup like that!" Nick facepalmed. 

"Landon, you put it on the side," Zoey groaned, looking at her now ruined fries. 

"Oh, come on," Landon rolled his eyes. We all looked at him in disbelief. "There are so many people who put it like that," he deadpanned. 

"Landon, if you put ketchup everywhere, where the hell do you grab the freaking fry from?" Nick huffed. 

"What?" he asked in confusion. 

"Babe, you put it on the side, that way whoever wants it can dip into it," Zoey whined. 

I turned to Nick when she called Landon babe. Glad we both took notice. 

"But that's just more work," Landon groaned in response. 

"Landon, what about the people who don't take ketchup with fries?" Zoey questioned. 

"They're crazy," he shrugged. 

True, but Zoey is one of those people. "I don't take ketchup with fries!" she exclaimed, now offended. They began arguing and Nick and I sighed in sync, leaning back in our seats. 

"So, how's your day been so far?" he asked while turning to me. 

"Great, you?" I asked. 

We all spent that entire day walking around Brickell City Centre and around it, hanging out, getting some coffee, taking pictures and we're now back at the hotel after dinner. Over the course of the day, Nick had been acting very lovey-dovey and boyfriend-y. 

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