Not prettier than you

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Chapter thirty-two: Not prettier than you (Emma's POV)

"Oh, for God's sake, I didn't come here to climb what feels like mountains," Zoey panted, sitting down in her spot while Landon sat beside her. 

"Nick, seriously," I too was out of breath and squatted down, "Let's just take a break," I said while facepalming. 

"But we're almost at the top," he huffed. 

We were climbing a roller coaster. It was fucking huge and very steep and if we fell there was a high chance we weren't ever getting up again. 

"Nick, if we don't take a break, we won't get to the top," Landon huffed while fanning himself with his hat. 

"Fine," he sighed in defeat while sitting with us. 

"How high is this thing?" Zoey asked. 

"You don't wanna know," Nick laughed while lying down, resting his head in my lap. 

"The sun's about to set, Nick. How are we getting back to the hotel?" I questioned, pushing his hair out of his face. 

"We'll be out of here after sunset," he answered while sitting back up and chugging on the water that I was smart enough to bring. I only brought two bottles and Landon and Zoey took one which they already finished. 

"Give that to me," I held my hand out. He placed the bottle in my hand and I finished the last of it. After sitting around for almost thirty minutes, we continued walking. 

We finally got to the top almost five minutes later as the sun began setting. "Oh, we did it, we made it," I let out ragged breaths while tossing my bag down while Zoey and Landon sat down immediately. Nick sat down too while I sat between his legs, resting my back against his chest. 

We'd pretty much already seen the rest of the park, or what was left of it anyway. 

"The sunset looks so pretty from up here," I laughed as Landon and Zo began talking amongst themselves. 

"Not prettier than you," he smirked. I turned to face him as he pulled me into a kiss. After pulling away, we all just sat there and watched the sunset. 

"Nick," I sighed, "I don't think I can move my legs," I complained. 

"I'm sorry," he chuckled while kissing the side of my head. 

I do not recommend doing this, but I can't deny that it's probably the most fun I've had in my entire life. 

Throughout the day, we walked through this entire place, snapping multiple pictures, lounging around it multiple spots, wondering what this place was like when it still ran, Nick and I stealing multiple kisses. We stayed there for a long time. Long enough for the sky to go fairly dark. 

"We should get going," Nick patted my thigh before lifting his hand off the spot where it was resting. 

"How are we getting down? Emma's the only one with a flashlight?" Zoey asked as we all stood up cautiously. 

"You have your phone, don't you? Use it," I shrugged while taking the flashlight out. I think if I took my phone out, I would drop it. The other three used the flashlights of their phone as we extremely carefully crawled our way down, grabbing the bars, sliding over them, under them, at less steep and more flat parts, walking over them. 

Luckily, the roller coaster didn't have loops or anything too dangerous. It was fairly simple. It went up and then dropped down, looping around and going again. We couldn't take a break while getting down because it meant getting a lot of bug bites and having to walk the rest of this in pitch darkness since their phones were losing battery. 

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