I saved you a muffin

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Chapter sixteen: I saved you a muffin (Nick's POV)

I woke up the next morning, not feeling groggy like I do every day. I actually woke up feeling pretty good. 

"Hello?" I asked while answering the phone. 

"Hello," Madeline sang over the phone. 

"Are you sure you're calling the right person?" I asked in confusion. 

It's usually William who calls while Madeline sleeps. "William's in the shower so I'm taking charge of the alarm clock today, get up and ready we're going to Jungle Island," she said before hanging up. 

I huffed while getting out of bed, grabbing my clothes, and changing. If we're going to Jungle Island then surely, we're interacting with animals. Don't get me wrong, I love animals but coming back smelling like one isn't so fun. 

I freshened up before getting dressed and heading downstairs for breakfast, meeting Liam and Emma on my way down. They were in the elevator when I got in. Obviously, I wasn't happy to see them having a conversation but a conversation does not mean that she likes him. 

"Hey," I nodded at both of them while stepping inside. 

"Hi," Emma gave me a small smile but Liam didn't say anything. I'm cool with that. I went and stood beside Emma, having her stand in between Liam and me. "Well, this is awkward," Emma mumbled under her breath and I don't think he heard it but I did. 

I bit back a smile and we stepped out when the elevator dinged open, splitting up as we walked through the buffet. 

There's only one chocolate muffin left. 

I took it before someone else could and added it to my plate. 

I'll save it for her. I know she likes them. 

After getting my food, I found a seat at the table beside Landon, leaving the other seat beside me free for her to take. And like I wanted, she did. But she was frowning. 

"Hey," I said while she sat down beside me as I looked at her in confusion. 

"Hi," she huffed, plopping down in her seat. 

"What's up with you?" Zoey asked her. 

"They don't have any chocolate muffins," she huffed, leaning her head back and staring at the ceiling. 

Zoey rolled her eyes before getting back to her food. 

I took the muffin and left it on her plate before beginning to eat. 

She sighed and looked down at her plate, staring at the muffin in confusion. 

I cleared my throat, "I saved you a muffin." 

Her head snapped to my directions and she looked at me, dumbfounded. 

"I saw the last one," I shrugged. 

"Thanks," she grinned. 

"You're welcome," I chuckled. 


"Is this really what we're gonna be doing? No offense, but we're hanging out with flamingos for the entire day?" Emma huffed, looking up at the entrance while squinting at the sun. 

"Well actually, I have a backup plan," I cleared my throat, resting my elbow on her shoulder. 

"What?" she looked up at me, stealing my sunglasses and putting them on. 

"How do you feel about going to a haunted house? Or two?" I questioned, taking my sunglasses back. 

"Aren't the others gonna mind?" she asked as we headed to the entrance. 

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