Chapter Fourteen

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"Yo! Guys. Ethan blew my mind. No one could have seen that coming" Kenny Taiwo had updated his status on the FolDra app. The app an Islander computer genius had created for the Islanders students in 2008. "Mehn, am I going to miss this app".

       Students graduated from the app unlike other social apps. Once the year of signing in gets to about five years, they got notified about their graduation date and after that they got logged out indefinitely.

        They had created a private social media Island for themselves.

   Ethan threw his phone on his bed. He didn't need such thoughts making him feel worse about himself than he already did.
     His mom badged into his room which startled him. "Mom, knock!. Jesus. Privacy" he said letting out a little anger.

"I am so sorry, but I just wanted to share the good news with you" his mom had said but he couldn't be bothered to ask her what the good news was.
     "The McGregor's just asked if they could meet us sooner "

"Why aren't you excited? Did something happen at the party?" She said, the hint of excitement in her voice had disappeared.

"When have I ever been excited about anything mom, when have I ever been allowed to be excited or to make choices about anything. I don't even know why you even bother telling me." He yelled, he couldn't keep his anger in anymore. He couldn't bear to be so angry at himself, all by himself.

   "If I asked you not to go will you listen to me?"
"Ethan, what, we...." she said stuttering
"Mom! Will you or will you not"He yelled louder making her jump. His eyes had started to fill with tears and he could see through the blur that so had hers.
"Did something happen at the party?" She managed to say as she held back tears

"I didn't want to come here, I didn't want to be part of all this. If you had just told me who she was from the very beginning maybe I could have handled things differently and now I have done something stupid" he yelled.

"Ethan, calm down" she said
"Mom you answer my question" Ethan yelled even louder. He saw how scared she was but he didn't care

"When did you become so superficial"
"Ethan" his mom managed to let out. He looked into her eyes and he knew what her answer was. He stormed off as she tried to hold on to him.


Mide has struggled to use Marcella's thumb to unlock her phone after she passed out soon as they entered the car. She had been so scared at seeing Marcella act the way she did. It felt like she had been possessed for a while.

       She finally unlocked it and tried to call her mother, then she remembered the state she was in. The stress of hearing the news could affect the baby. She dialed her father instead.

    By the time they got to the front door of the estate, she could hear the sounds of sirens and an helicopter hovering over them.

     The driver had driven as fast as he could. When they got to the front door her parents were standing on the front porch. Mide hurried out and the medical personnels took over. She couldn't tell when she had started to cry. She was scared. 

The environment she was in, filled with police officers from the Islanders police department and the ambulance as well as the helicopter. It felt like a crime scene. Mrs Adegeshin despite her state had somehow gotten past the flight of stairs in seconds and was now by the car calling out to her daughter.

"Baby, I am here okay. Marcella" she said as she cried

    They laid her on a stretcher and wheeled her into the house. Her mother walking fast behind them in her robe. She and Azeezat held on to each others hands, crying quietly as they watched her get wheeled away.

    "Thank you" Marcella's father had said to them. "The driver will take you home now"
"No sir we will like to stay" Mide said "I have called my mom to let her know about my whereabouts"

He looked at her and then at Azeezat who quickly nodded to assert that she had done the same even though she hadn't.
He reluctantly agreed and led them inside.
"I am so sorry" she said to Azeezat as she started to cry where they stood alone in the large foyer of the house. "If only I had listened to the both of you. I was so caught up in my own drama that....."

"Did King abuse you?" Azeezat asked her firmly.
"No it's not like that." Mide said

"Then what is it like, Mide?" Azeezat asked before they got interrupted by Mrs Adegeshin.

"You girls need to rest, let me show your rooms for the night  and get you something you can change into?" She said softly. Her voice had become hoarse despite the fact that she had been crying as quietly as anyone else "and thank you very much"

    She led them towards the stairs when the doors flew open again. Mide recognized who had walked in, she adored her, Ola Yahaya nee Olateru, Marcella's aunty. Every girl in Islanders High wished they lived up to her reputation but only Marcella came close.

"Dara, What happened where is she?" She asked worriedly, tears in her eyes.

"The doctor said it wasn't anything serious that she had just passed out due to stress or something. I really don't know Ola" she said, stuttering in between words as she held one hand to her head and the other to the side of her bump. Tears started to roll down her face as she sat on the bottom of the stairs "I really don't know and I am scared"


   She had called her brother earlier to cover up for her. Knowing his phone number  was finally paying off. He had charged her money for it. He was going to pretend to be the one in her bed since her mom never entered his room much.

       Mrs Adegeshin had given them clothes to change into after she had calm down all thanks to the woman Mide told her was Marcella's aunty. The same woman she was supposed to be related to somehow.

     It was already Mid-night and Mrs Adegeshin had offered them separate rooms to spend the night but Azeezat had refused. One room looked way too big for her to sleep in alone.

     "Can we see her " Azeezat had asked her. She looked at them with concern for a moment before agreeing to the request.
      They walked towards Marcella's room and saw Mr Adegeshin step out. Now that Azeezat was calmer she could take in his feature.

        He was tall and his body frame was magnificent. He was fair and his hair was tied back in a bun. He didn't look like the ideal dad she was use to. He had a grey shirt on and blue pants. He had disappeared since he left them in the foyer. Mrs Adegeshin moved towards him, hugged him and placed a light kiss on his lips. He had been a man and had taken control of the whole situation well.

"Thank you" his wife whispered "thank you, Timi".

They looked perfect together.

"I can't thank you girls enough" he said, his right arm over his wives shoulder. "Thank you and do have a lovely night rest"

     Mrs Adegeshin led them inside after kissing her husband goodbye. Marcella was facing away.
"Hey baby" Her mother said softly as she headed towards the bed. She climbed on it carefully and ran her hand through her daughters hair "I am so sorry"
     They had stood back but they could see as Marcella turned to her mom and wrapped her arms around her baby bump, crying.

     "Mommy" She said within sobs.
"I am here baby, I am here" she said repeatedly.

      "Your friends are here too" she said after a while when Marcella had started to calm down.
      Her cry suddenly seized and she put her head up abruptly. She looked straightforward like she was a robot who had just been rebooted. Then She looked at their direction with a blank face  and they waved to her.

Thank you guys for reading!
We've seen so much of Marcella this night than we've seen through out the book.

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