Chapted Twenty Four

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     Timi woke up on the morning of the remembrance Fundraiser and he felt weak, he laid next to his pregnant wife and watched as she slept. He watched her breathe softly, one hand on her baby bump and the other under her head.

    He turned away and turned again, like he had been doing for the past few days. Every year, when the Fundraiser was near he became restless. He became restless for the things he knew that had happened, things that led them to do the charity every year.

     He looked up at the ceiling and thought about how unmoving his Grandfather always was at every point in time, no matter what crime he committed. He wondered if he would one day be like him. Doing the worse for the sake of family and power.

    As he stood up from his bed, he thought of if there was ever a time his Grandfather wasn't so brutal about everything. He stretched and walked over to his wife's dresser and picked up the robe on the chair. They had slept naked after making love.

        He parted the curtains and stood there looking over his vast property. He had looked at the clock by his bed side, it was 6:00am. And they were workers already running about, going about their daily duties.

      He couldn't see much of the outer Property he was one day going to inherit, The Islanders Estate but it was there and everyone who lived in it would be in attendance at the Fundraiser. They would all compete to make the highest donation to get the interest of Grandfather, who would in turn send a mere personalized message that was written and stamped by Timi. The recipient will in turn brag with it which ever way they wanted.

    Despite how he felt about today, he knew those feelings had to be left in the room he stood in, in fact every emotion he felt everyday was to be left behind the walls of his home, and some never went beyond the room. The only feeling allowed to leave the house with him was the love and the need for the Adegeshin family to always have their way.

     He heard his wife creep up behind him before hugging him from behind. She was still naked.

 "Good morning, my love" Dara said
     "Good morning" he said to her as he placed his hand on her waist and led her to face him . He looked down at her as he always did before pulling her in and kissing her passionately.

"It's going  to be alright" she said to him. He nodded and drew her in for a hug. The hug was warm and it always comforted him. 

"I just have this feeling" he said under his breath

"You have that same feeling every year and nothing happens. This year won't be any different, Timi " she said as she looked up at him before adding "don't worry"

"This year is different"

"How so?" She replied as she broke the hug and walked into her walk in closet, Timi walked behind her slowly, stroking his chin as he admired her behind with a blank face.

"I might have done something stupid"

"What could the mighty Timi have done wrong"

"You know the girl that came home with Marcella the other night"

"Yes yes, Mide Johnson.... her mom is amazing. I see her at the IWC, the Islanders Wives Club from time to time, talk about Class and down to earth..."

"No, not her" he said slowly as he sat on the white fur couch in his wife's closet watching her as she strolled deep into it and then back out as she talked, searching for something he didn't care enough to ask about.

    He knew she couldn't wait till she was able to call someone inside the Closet. Someone that actually cared about what she was looking for and knew where to look. Maybe their Daughter or one of Her assistants or one of her favourite maids.

     "You mean Azeezat?" She said as she paused to look at her husband "wonderful girl.... Marcella invited her and her mom to the Fundraiser  but what about her?"

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