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The first three days went by fast. The rest of the Adegeshin family acted normally like they ought to since they had no idea that Grandfather was dead.

The people who had been in that room, the people who has witnessed his body being wheeled away on the other hand, have been going about their week badly. Everyone of them were on the downlow but on the high side under ground as they searched for who could have murdered the old man.

They were no leads. The private investigator they had hired had finally come to the conclusion that the old man died of a natural cause.

They started to summon some of their largest shareholders to talk business with them, to revaluate the importance of doing business with them as always. They convinced them there was no need for panicking in case the old man died. They were fully capable.

.....Tobi loosened his tie as he stepped out of his car.
"Welcome home sir" his valet said to him as he walked into the doors of his mansion.

"Good evening, Peter"
"Daddy, daddy" his kids yelled as they ran to him

"Daddy, Aunty Laila is home"

"She is?"

"Yes, daddy and she brought treats like she promised she would the last time"

Tobi wondered why is sister was at his place so late at night, without prior warning. That was very unlike her.

" I should go see her now I guess"

" Don't stay too long"

He smiled back at them as a response before heading towards his study. He took off his suit jacket as he walked into his study and hanged it on the hanger by his door.

"I wasn't expecting you for another week" he said loudly as his sister stepped out of the dark of his study.

" I have a confession" she said as she stepped further into the light. "We don't call you the priest for nothing"

" Laila, please..."

"I killed him"

" I know"

" So why haven't you told anyone?"

"I am not sure... I don't have a reason"

"Won't you ask why?"

"Laila, I am your brother... The most feared wolves are not the one with the long claws or big teeths they are the ones that disguise themselves as sheeps" he said as he took his seat. He placed two glasses in front of her, on his table and poured in whiskey.

"He got me married to an infertile man, Tobi...I was laughed at by his parents. I couldn't bear the hurt and I just wanted to get back at them so much. I didn't just want to kill them. I wanted them to suffer. I killed their only son. The rest as we all know is history"

He looked at his sister blankly as He thought about how her in-laws had died shortly after the painful death of their son. She had inherited everything they owned.

"And Andrew, he was my soul mate...we had a child together and grandfather.....he, he came to my room the night after he murdered my husband and apologized and lied to my face!!" She yelled angrily

"How did you know he was the one that killed Andrew"

" Andrew told me everything...he had gone to beg grandfather to take mercy on him as a part of his plan. He had come to me after the failed kidnapping and I told him to beg for his life to be spared. And he did as I told him. I knew grandfather would have gone out of control if Andrew hadn't gone to meet him to promise him he would get rid of his number one enemy on his behalf. He and Grandfather made a deal that night"

Tobi adjusted in his seat as he watched his sister narrate a storyline he already knew about. He had no idea she and Andrew talked well enough to the extent he would come running to her or even spill his plans of getting rid of his adoptive family to her. He took a deep breath as he mentally prepared himself to see how the story ends. He thought about the dead and how nothing could bring them back.

"Andrew had contemplated doing all of it but I convinced him that Grandfather's offer was too good to be true and he realised that... He did everything he had said he would do according to his plans with grandfather"

" Laila, I am sorry about your loss...."

" Let me finish...he is not the bad guy here. He didn't kill anyone. His family ar..."

"His family are what Laila?"

" They are somewhere on the Cayman Island. He didn't kill them. Everything was staged. That was why the remaining's of his family members were cremated"

"But the girl she died in front of her friends in school?" Tobi asked without letting the slightest bit of shock through despite how surprise he was to learn about that the McGregors were alive.

"She injected herself with something that would make her heartbeat stop for a period of time. everything was staged. Andrew had been worried Grandfather might come for him if he found out or just come for him because he was a loose end, which it was... I will never know. I convinced him otherwise because Grandfather had told me he wanted my happiness. I was hopeful. Just in case anything happened we had a plan to get revenge. He came to my room that night and lied to my face about killing Andrew."

"Don't bother going into details"

Tears ran down her face as she cried. Tobi was lost of what to do. His siblings and cousins always thought it helpful to tell him their darkest secrets

" you don't judge people Tobi" Timi says

He always found a solution but now he wasn't sure of what to do. The old man had expressed his shock over Andrew death severally over the phone that night when they talked.

"I got pregnant for Andrew and Grandfather took him away..." She cried out

" You shouldn't have gotten involved, Laila....you really shouldn't have"

" You sound like you are going to pull a trigger on me"

" You are my sister"

"And you are you...you have a reputation"

" Grandfather didn't kill Andrew"

"How do you know ?" She asked angrily

" Because if he did I would know. Andrew wasn't so much of a loose end. He was of great Benefits to Grandfather alive. The McGregors killed him Laila. Your brilliant idea to not go through with the perfectly thought of plan killed the man you loved. And as for your son Grandfather had told Andrew about him and only the both of them knew where he is"

He watched tears run down her face

" You shot yourself in the leg sister. Now it's either you take care of the McGregors or they take care of you and take everything that came with you in the marriage"

With her came the majority fortune of the Talabi family, some Adegeshin family, her dead husband's family fortune, the Farade family.

Tobi reached out to the doorknob to open the he door. He waited for a while contemplating on what to do.

"And you, you know where my son is..."

The room fell silent as he thought about what she had just said. He heard the cloakof a trigger under the table. She really tried to be as quiet as possible.
"Maybe I do, maybe be I don't...if I die you will never know"

He walked out of the room as she screamed his name.

He strolled into the hallway thinking about how twisted his family was with a smirk on his face .

The end


The next book is coming soon !

Drop all your comments and questions and I will answer them all

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