Chapter Thirty

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They had walked towards the front of the ball room hand in hand. They chatted away about something from that had happened during the weekend.

At the door to the ball room stood her father, her aunty and her uncle. They had been whispering something between themselves before they noticed Marcella and Dara head towards them.
The three musketeers that they were.
The government. The law and the Power.

"Is everything alright now" her father asked under his breathe, a small frown on his face as he looked from his daughter to his wife.

Dara moved towards him and started to tighten his loose tie. He had loosed it when they had been notified about the blast. He had excused himself from the table he sat at with his Grandfather and the President of Nigeria among the presidents of other nations as if he was going out for a smoke or fresh air.

 He had paced around for a while outside and when she knew she had to do something despite the shock she was in from Marcella's outburst at home, she led him to the elevator and they went up to the room they shared whenever they stared over at Grandfather's and he had yelled and had let things out. He had acted like the father he was, the father who had nearly lost his child due to yet another power struggle someone, somewhere was plotting.

For now." Dara said under her breathe before placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Open the doors" Tobi Talabi ordered sharply as he closed the button on his suit.

The large mahogany doors to the enormous ball room fell open to review Marcella standing beside her father. Her Uncle, Mom and aunty stood behind them. They all had the same blank expressionless face. The grace that emitted from them was undeniable by anyone.
For a minute they looked like robots that had been programmed to act the same way as they stepped into the hall.

Everyone's head turned to look at them.

Marcella walked past the middle of the hall with her father by her side. At the back of the hall was reserved for the kids from Islanders high who had come. Everywhere she looked they nodded at her. She was royalty in this moment. She looked over at the table she would soon join.

King, Mide, Makayla, Fredrick, KT, Ibrahim and Ethan sat around it. Her eyes met with his and she managed to smile warmly before She looked at the empty sit where Azeezat was supposed to be seating and then she looked at Mide who shrugged.

Where was Azeezat?.

She looked over to where Azeezat's mom was suppose to be seating beside Mide's mom. Her mom was there but there was no sign of Azeezat.

Her father stopped by the steps of the stage. Kissed her on the cheek and helped her up before going to resume his seat beside Grandfather.

She got to the middle of the stage. The mic had been set and the lines were on a paper right in front of her. All she had to do was read it out like an any other Adegeshin would but with more charisma and pride.

She looked up at the hall filled with investors and possible investors, shareholders, Islanders and the Non Islanders that mattered in the world, Diplomats, World dignitaries and other important figures.

"Good evening and thank you all for coming. I would like to start off by apologizing...."
She had recited the lines all week to know this was one of the back- ups the PR team had created. A little twitch here and there on each of the back ups to fit whatever scenario they could cook up.

This one had a type by the side "Late"

She read on for the next two minutes as Everyone else held on to her every word.
They had all laughed when she got to the carefully constructed humor that had taken 10 people to create and an audience of 50people to test on.

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