Chapter Forty One

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  "Grandfather I am in no mood for your mind games" Timi said

"Hmmm" the old man grunted
      He stared at the seat Timi was supposed to take through the bottle of scotch. He caught Timi looking at him. They stared at each other for a while before he unbuttoned his suit jacket and proceeded to sit down.

     He reached for the cup of scotch Grandfather had poured him. He drowned it down in one gulp. The alcohol in scotch hit him hard. He closed his eyes and took a deep breathe.

" it's vintage.... a gift from the White House... I opened it today to mourn my friend"

"What did you do, Grandfather"

"I haven't left the house in ages. You've restricted me from receiving guests. For the past month Only family has had access to me. How could I have done anything"

     Timi was getting impatient. As much as the old man was trying to make him feel guilty about what he had decided to do to him without his knowledge, he wasn't having any of the bullshit the old man was pushing his way.
  "The last person you came in contact with was Andrew McGregor"

"Yes and?"
"Why did he take you a month to retaliate. To go against what I had told you"

"I have done nothing. And I have nothing to gain"
" but you have something to loose. An enemy. The only one that truly mattered"

    He grunted again before clearing his throat.
"Hmmm...let me..." he gets caught off by the door of the study opening. They couldn't see who it was yet till the person walked in.

"Grandfather" Lailas soft voice called out. For a forty years old woman she sounded like a sixteen years old girl and she looked twenty five. She had the softest voice. She had been widowed at thirty. She had married a man of Grandfathers choosing despite being in love with Andrew McGregor. They had been in a relationship through out their time at Islanders High as well as their university years and everyone had patiently waited for their families to announce the union of the two families.

          But Grandfather had refused, he had rather marry off his precious Granddaughter to an infertile man than the man she loved who had no birth right, but of course no one knew this except Grandfather, Timi, Tobi.
    Laila was the best of the best front-liner. Her beauty and her softness attracted people of all age and gender.

"Grandfather" she called out again when she came into view
"My pearl" he said softly as he tried to get up

"Grandfather please don't get up" she loved Grandfather and he loved her. She walked over to him and kissed him on his cheek.

"Hello brother" she stretched out her hands to hug Timi. "You look well"
       She was hardly ever around and she only came running whenever Grandfather called.

"I heard about the McGregors. Grandfather, I am so sorry"

   Timi admired her naivety. She had always been naive. Their Grandmother had molded her to be the perfect woman and Grandfather had shielded her for the sake of his wife. She had found out about her husbands infertility a few years before he died and came crying to Grandfather. He had acted clueless and had comforted her.

"Yes...thank you.... we were good friends" Grandfather said looking from her to Timi as she held on to his hand.  " we started this journey together. I will erect a statute in his honor"

  "Grandfather, I am so sorry. I just spoke to Andrew and he is devastated"

"Yes, Andrew. He lost everything. You should go to his side and comfort him. You were the closest to him in the family" Grandfather said softly
    Timi watched Grandfather carefully. He was lost in the act he was putting up and the naivety Laila was consumed with. Even Marcella could  never be fooled like this by Grandfather or by anyone.
      Was this what being normal was like? Not knowing what was really going on behind the curtain on the round table.

"Grandfather?" She questioned

"I mean to apologize to you. It's all my fault. I should have let you both be together when you were younger" Grandfather said looking away as his voice starter to crack. "Maybe you would have had children of your own by now and I and my friend wouldn't have been at odds so much"

"Grandfather, please no don't say that"

      A clash on the floor which made Laila jump

"Timi what is wrong with you?"
     Timi couldn't control his anger or the irritation he felt anymore. He had thrown his glass cup on the floor.

    Grandfather turned to look at him slowly. Daring him to say something. Anything.

"Timi, it's been a long day for all us. I think you should leave. Go home to your children. I can't wait to meet Marilyn" she said firmly before heading towards up. She planted a kiss on his cheek " I will help Grandfather to his room. Send my greetings to Dara"

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