Chapter Thirty One

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Makayla made eyes with her father when Marcella had been announced into the hall. The doors were closed and no one was able to go out.
They were the only two that came. Leaving together would have been suspicious so she stood her ground while her father left to take care of things.

Not only did she escape the blast but she escaped the rest of their plans.

She watched almost every move Marcella had made till she got to their table that evening.
Makayla had been placed on the same table with King and Mide. Despite her snaring at them, they couldn't stop being lovey dovey from her point of view as they related with the other kids around their table and it made her angry. She hated how her friends were invited but were made to sit away from her.

Before Marcella walked in She had sat opposite King and Mide all night channelling her anger invisibly and quietly. Smirking at the thought of how the night will end in chaos. She counted down to the blast and had even drank and cheered to it. She had waited for someone to come running but nothing happened. Even the blast wasn't heard here due to the music and the sound proof done on the hall. Everyone else was clueless of what was happening outside just as the Adegeshins wanted it.

She noticed as Marcella came to the Table and placed her hand on Ethan's shoulder a little while later. It had made her seat up. "What the hell" she whispered to herself. She had noticed stains on his jacket when he came in.
She took his hand and had led him away.

"Did anyone see what I just saw" KEnny said

"Ethan must have done something right" Fredrick said as they whole looked at their direction as they walked away. She had to call her father for updates

"You idiots !!!!!" Andrew McGregor yelled "you stupid fools"

"Boss we are sorry" one of the goons he had hired to carry out their dirty job apologized

" of course you are" Andrew said as he paced around. He walked towards the same goon and kicked him in his crutch with his kneels before punching him in his guts, sending the man screeching to the floor making the two other goons move away . "Does that look like the girl you were supposed to take. GGGGODD!"

" the guards were getting suspicious, the place wasn't properly lit and we had to move fast. The other girl was terrified and had a man with her unlike the other girl who seemed to take charge we just assumed she was our girl and they wore the same dress and she fit the description...."

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Jacob said breathing heavily "you all are superior fools. Get out of my way. It was a simple plan. The calls had been intercepted for you guys to ac!, to mix with the rescue team was that so hard. Was it so hard to capture the girl. Who is that nobody you have there"

"Sir, your father will like to see you" a maid said interrupting his wrath after she walked in.

Jacob opened the door to his father's study slowly like he use to do as a child whenever he was called in for a scolding.

"Jacob" his father called out firmly

"Yes father"
"Did you get the girl?"
"The idiots.."

"Did you get the girl?" He asked again firmly, this time looking away from his mother's large framed picture that was above the fireplace in his study. He watched as his father walked over to his seat, his walking stick hitting the floor with every step he took.

"No, Father"
He watched as his father sat down slowly on his chair. He rested his head on the headrest.

His face didn't show the disappointment that he felt but Jacob knew it was there.

" Even My daughter wouldn't have made such a mistake"

That was the horrible truth. Only if she could conquer her alcohol problem

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