Chapter 7

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The song that I recommend for this chapter is Didn't I by OneRepublic.


"Um, okay, so why did you kiss my cheek?" I ask because Dan said he was going to tell me.

He looks down at his hands then at me, "Please don't make fun of me." He begs me.

I walk up to him and lead him into the house, "I promise I would never make fun of you, I mean come on, we're best friends."

"I'm gay," he tells me quietly. I look at him in disbelief.

I stand up and walk to him and hug him, "Aw, I can't believe you were scared to tell me! I'm so happy for you!" I cheer, then he hugs me back and says thanks. "Wait why were you scared to tell me?"

He looks everywhere but my face, "Well, I thought, maybe Dean was also but I know now that I was very wrong, and I'm sorry that I messed up any chance that you had with him." He apologizes.

"It's okay, I don't think he even likes me." I tell him, "Oh my parents are going to be here in a while you should probably get going."

"Okay bye." He says as he hugs me then walks out the front door.

As soon as he drives away I start making dinner. I grab the chicken and some vegetables and I add seasoning and put it in the oven, it needs to cook for an hour so I go up to my room and drop my purse on the floor, and I decide that I have enough time to shower. I take off my clothes and jump in the shower, I let the hot water fall on me and lose myself. I shampoo my hair and soap my body then I hop out of the shower and get dressed in shorts and a t-shirt as my pajamas. I go to my bedroom and drop myself on my bed.

I let my mind travel back to the letter that the police sent, I want to know, but then I don't. I would never be able to forgive that person. Ever. I would hate them with everything that I have. Emma wouldn't want me to, but I would. They killed her. So now they deserve to die. Or maybe they should get to live because she didn't. Or maybe it's Emma's fault for not wearing her seat belt, no! Emma isn't the one who needs to be blamed. She didn't kill anyone, instead she was the one killed. I hear the door open which wakes me from my thoughts. I head down stairs to see my parents, I run to them and hug them both. "I missed you guys!" I tell them as they walk to the kitchen.

"We missed you too sweetie, and oh my gosh what is that smell. It smells wonderful in here!" My mom says as she looks around the kitchen, "Are you making chicken?"

"Yeah, I was hungry and I knew that after that trip that you guys would also be hungry so I decided to make dinner." I tell them as the oven begins to beep. I run to the oven and put my mittens on right before I open the oven and grab the pan. It looks good, it's making me very hungry.

My parents both go to their room to drop off their luggage and make their way back into the kitchen. "I did not know that you knew how to cook Em." My dad says as he looks at the kitchen.

I laugh, "Yeah me either, I thought I could only make eggs and bacon. But dad it looks good now, but don't say good things until you taste it."

He nods, "You're right. When I first married your mom she made food look beautiful right up until I tasted it. She gave me food poisoning the first time she cooked for me." He tells me laughing and my mom and I join him. As my dad laughs his black curls bounce, Emma got his looks while I got my moms. My father has dark eyes which is the only thing that I got from him, besides his love of sports, especially surfing. He's the one who taught me everything I know about surfing. That was the one thing that gave us a relationship. It gave a reason to spend time together.

"Robbie, I also got food poisoning that night," my mom says to my dad and my dad laughs so hard that he started crying.

"I know honey, I remember. And you got it worse than me. You were sick for a whole day. I was only sick for a few hours." My dad says as he gets plates down from the cabinet. He then cuts the chicken and puts some on each of our plates. One rule that we have in the house is that when my parents are home we all eat as a family, but ever since Emma we haven't eaten together in a while, ever since the day before the accident.

"Mom, dad, I have a question for you. So right before Emma, well you know, she told me about a note that she said I needed to find but I don't know where it could be. She said she wrote it as a joke one day because she never thought that she would, um, leave." They look at each other and my dad shakes his head.

My mom walks over to where I am sitting and kisses the top of my head, "Sweetie we have already gone through all her stuff, there was no note, she was on drugs that night because the pain, maybe she was imagining something, there's no way to tell if she was telling the truth." No. I will not believe that Emma's last words were controlled by some drug. If that's what she thought was important for me to know then it was obviously important enough to be last words. Right? The note had to be real, I just need one more piece of Emma. If I find the note then maybe I will finally be okay and accept her death, I won't be happy, I'll still be sad, but maybe I won't hate her killer with everything that I have. Maybe I can move on, in a way that Emma will still be remembered. I stand up from the chair that I'm sitting in and run to my room.

Emma's last words were about a note that she said I needed to find. So a note will be what I find. No matter what, I will find this note. It's real. It's still here. It's still alive. 


This chapter is short but it's needed. Her parents believe that Emma's last words were the drug speaking, what do you think? Well I think that this treasure hunt is going to be fun. I think Emily will learn a lot, and I think she'll grow just as much. Emily is a very determined person. I think it'll take a while, but she'll get what she wants. Hopefully.

Since this chapter is short I am posting with chapter 6! Woohoo! I'm in a good mood today so I hope you enjoyed both chapters!

The story is still doing amazing and I want to say thank you to all my beloved readers, you guys are amazing and absolutely love every single one of you. Emily still has a lot in store so hang on for the ride!

Lots of love, emma<3

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