Chapter 26

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Song I recommend for this chapter When We Were Young by Adele and The Scientist by Glee Cast.


Dean's birthday is today, we're throwing him a little party on the beach. He invited two of his friends, some kids from his foster home, and then my friends. When Mack, Dan, Xander and I arrive we take the supplies and decorations out of the back of my car. They agreed to help me set up because if I did it by myself I would've had to get here really early. We put out tables and food. A lot of food. He didn't want a huge party so he chose only his favorite people, plus my friends. I completely understand why he doesn't want to celebrate his birthday because I have the same feeling. But he's also eighteen today, which means it's a big birthday. Which means it needs to be celebrated even if it's just with a few people.

When people start showing up I greet them all with a smile. Dean is one of the last ones to show up. When he gets out of his car he walks straight to me and gives me a kiss. "You're lucky Trevor and Gabe aren't here yet, they will probably try to steal you from me."

I laugh, "Impossible." I run my hands on his stubble, "Why are you growing it out?"

"Do you not like it?"

I shake my head, "No, I love it, it makes you look older."

"Is that good?" Dean usually has a nice clean face, so I thought maybe he was going through something but not telling me. But hopefully he's growing it out because he wants to, not because his mind is going insane and is keeping something locked away. "Oh and I'm growing it out because I just wanted something new." New. Okay I can deal with that. I actually think he looks more attractive with the stubble.

"Yes it is good. I like it."

"Good, hey after this-" He's cut off by two teenage boys running towards us screaming his name. One of them has dark brown hair and the other boy has black hair.They all do a bro hug. Then they both turn to face me.

"Wow, how did Dean get lucky enough to find you?" The one with brown hair asks.

"I ordered iced coffee." Both boys crack up laughing.

"You never said she was funny," the one with black hair says. "Oh by the way I'm Trevor," he points to the brown haired boy, "and that's Gabe."

I smile at them both, "Emily."

Gabe cracks up, "Trust us we know, someone can't keep their mouth shut about you. I was actually excited to meet you because if he likes you then you're definitely special." I feel my cheeks turn red, the boys walk away and go to the food table.

Dan walks up to me and whispers into my ear, "You think one of them is gay." I laugh. He's always finding someone else to hit on. I shrug my shoulders then grab Dean's hand. I lead him to the surf boards I brought.

"Do you know how to surf?" He looks shocked. Maybe because I'm not the kind of girl you would think would surf. I laugh at his reaction.

"No, but you do," he says instead of asks.

I nod, "Yes, and as your girlfriend I feel obliged to teaching you. I mean only if you want to learn. I'm a good teacher, I taught Dan and Mack."

"You're cute when you want something," he kisses my cheek, "you can teach me."

"I'm cute when I want something because I know how to persuade you." I say as I grab my board and gesture for him to grab the spare one. Before he does he takes off his shirt so he's only in his swim trunks. He then follows me into the water. "When you surf you need to focus on this and only this. It can be hard at first but practice makes close to perfect. Now before we start let all your thoughts drift from your mind. Let them float away with the waves." He smiles at me. "Okay so get on your board and keep watch behind you. Since you're a beginner I recommend going for the smaller waves, but waves that aren't too small otherwise you won't ride them in. As soon as you see the wave you want to start paddling, as hard as you can." I show him as a demonstration. "Then once the wave catches you, just pop up and take the baby to shore." As soon as I finish my sentence I fall into the water. "So do everything except fall. Don't fall."

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