Chapter 31

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Song for this chapter Skinny Love by Birdy.


Dear Emily,

I'm sad to know that if you're reading this then I'm dead. The one thing I feared beat me. Now, I don't know when you're reading this, I know we planned to dig up the capsule before we went to college but maybe you guys forgot. Well there are a few things you need to know. First, I love you and I'm sorry I died. But if I told you what this note was about then chances are you would be dead as well. I'm sorry this happened this way. I love you so much Emily please remember that. I don't know if me dying was tough, but even if it wasn't I had my time. And I loved every second of it. I miss you. I don't know where I am, hopefully heaven, but I miss you. And I'm 100% sure that I'm watching over you right now. But let me get to the point. Our family has been lying to us.

Right now you must be thinking all the scenarios in your head wondering what they lied about. But here it is, the truth. I heard mom and dad talk about it one night. Then ever since I've been getting calls, and this man with a very deep voice has been threatening my life. This person knew the one thing I was scared of. And only you, mommy, and daddy knew. I think daddy has been threatening me. The voice said that if I told you the truth we would both be dead. So please don't tell mom or dad that you found this. But please do what I say.

You and me. We grew up with mommy and daddy telling us that we were the only ones. They lied. We have a brother. He's older than us. Then me. Then you. You need to find him. I don't know his name or where he lives, but I believe that you can find him, and if you're still friends with Xander, Dan, and Mack, then they can help you. Emily you need to find him. Mommy and daddy gave him up because daddy didn't want a boy and mommy was young. They were in highschool when they had him. He's four years older than us. Daddy made mommy give up our older brother because he said they were too young to raise a son. Our brother looks like us both. He has your blonde hair and my blue eyes and curly hair. Please find him, or my death would have been for nothing.

Now to finish this note up, I love you. I didn't want to die this young and I didn't want to die in order to keep a secret. But if you're safe then it was worth it. All of it. I'm sorry. You know I wanted a good death. And I'm sorry I left you there with such horrible people. But our friends. They can be your family and so can our brother. My life was worth yours. You have so much potential. I know you do. You're going to do great things in the future, I know it. And if roles would've been switched then I wouldn't have been able to live without you. You're tougher than me. I may have less fears, but that doesn't mean that I was stronger. There was this one fear I never said aloud. This one fear was bigger than my fear of death, this fear was losing you. If you've made it this far without me then you're better than me. I always knew you were. I love you Emily and never forget that. I love you so much. I hope you live until an old age. I hope your life is full of success, laughter, happiness, and I hope you have twins. If you have a girl maybe you can even name her Emma. This is my goodbye note. I love you. And I wish I never had to write this.

Love, Emma.

P.S. This was hard to write because what if I never die. Then I wasted all this time and my hand hurts. Anyways, I love you.


I'm not going to lie, I cried. It's okay if you say it wasn't sad but I'm just way too emotional. But here's the note, were you expecting that? Now head to the next chapter if you want to read Emily's reaction.

Lots of love, emma<3

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