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I was gonna post this last night but there was a glitch. Sorry y'all! Love you

J U L Y  1 9 9 8

I swallow. 

"Oh screw you asshats!" I hear Koa's voice boom as she turns around the corner.

"Oh my god!" Royce screams with a chuckle, leaning down and laughing. "We thought that jackass came back!"

"He was so scary!" I mumble. Koa and Jack grab us and walk with us down the street.

"Y'know with the very little I could see through the windows while the sun was glaring off of them Royce looked like the scary one." Jack says and Royce shakes his head, "Not really dude, he just messed with my girl."

My heart pumps faster and faster every time he says my girl...

And I look up at him, his sharp nose and jaw and his high cheekbones. I see his purple eyes and long lashes. I see his plump lips.

How did I make it here... with this beautiful man in a beautiful tourist attraction city?

Jack takes a sip of his slushee that he got while we were getting tattoos and sniffs, "so are y'all dating?" He asks, and Koa stares at Royce with her arms crossed, "Yea Royce did you finally get only one girl to fuck?" Koa asks with a raised eyebrow.

"No you fuckers, She's just my friend and I surprisingly have resisted my urge to fuck her." He jokes with a laugh.

"Sure you have" Koa jokes, poking him with her elbow but he laughs, grabbing her by her waist and picking her up.

He spins her around a little and she giggles, "Let go!"

"No! Not until I make you throw up!" He says and she laughs, kicking her legs and punching his back. He laughs a little and sets her down for her to just start punching his chest.

I turn my head to Jack and snatch his slushee out of his hand. He stares at them in disgust and I do too.

I roll my eyes and we keep walking down. I sip the icy drink and hear Royce scream at us from behind, giggling with Koa. "Y'all wanna come over to my apartment with me and Kel?"

"Sure dude!" Jack says, before turning back to me and laughing.

"I hate him." He mumbles and I elbow his arm, "oh come on! Nobody can hate Royce! It's... well.. it's Royce!"

Jack chuckles a little, "Okay okay, I don't hate him. But you didn't know Royce in high school lil' miss perfect."

I huff, "One, don't call me that. Two, how bad could he have been? He's so sweet.." I mumble, looking down at the drink and slowly handing it back to him.

"Sure he's sweet now, but the guy was a plain old charity case in high school. People just found out that he was being abused in his last foster home and were always around him trying to talk to him and be his friend so they could feel good about themselves. But he... he didn't want friends. He wanted to get high school over with so he could do what he wanted. I think he had just gotten into drugs and alcohol with Seb. He was also quite mean to people to get his way. I mean obviously he's changed since then and he's more mature then when he was seventeen, but the guy would punch people all the time, and when a girl would come up to him he would get angry if it wasn't for what he wanted. He wanted release constantly. It's why he was quite the man whore." Jack says and I sniff a little, biting my lip.

We come to a crossroads and I look back at Royce. He signals for us to go right, and I see the building I leaned against a week ago.

"It's that building" I mumble, pointing towards it.

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