Chapter 6

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Leah POV

After nearly a week of travelling from our old house to this hidden city of ruins, which is still somewhat functioning, both Jamie and I have been doing odd jobs for a living.

"Jamie, drop these off at the house three steps away. They ordered a loaf of bread, a jug of water, and four apples" I say as I drop off the remaining produce to the other homeowners.

This is what our days were like for the past few weeks. Delivering food for the residence to earn some coins and keep out of sight from the army to protect our lives.

As risky as it was, we had to earn money one way or another to prevent ourselves from dying of hunger.

"Leah, the sun is setting and I'm tired of walking all day. Can we go back home now."

"Yeah, let's go buy some bread and fruits before we go home."

With a tired yet contemptuous attitude, we head back to the marketplace. Reaching a building that was half destroyed, we both decided to rest there and enjoy the first full meal we both had in a while.

"It's been so long, I've nearly forgotten how fresh fruit tastes like."

I chuckle at Jamie's comment, adding "I know it's been tough, but at least we are able to eat food and have a roof above our heads."

"Come on Jamie, we should get back to sleep."

With that I anguish the flame on the candle and we both go to sleep.

"No, Mom, dad. No Lily. Please Stop. No, don't shoot them. Run Leah, save yourself."

I wake up once again panting like I've just run a marathon. The same nightmare, no memories, interrupted my sleep once again, as it did for the past decade.

There was one night, where I was able to sleep soundly, and that was the night the green eyed stranger said those soothing words to me. For the first time I had a dream, not a nightmare.

I look beside me to see Jamie sleeping soundly, as if he wasn't in the middle of a war torn land. At Least he was able to spend half his day with no worry or disturbance.

As I was about to close my eyes again and try to drift back to sleep, the noise of trucks woke me up.

This area was so damaged that the army thought nobody will reside here. Realizing this, people came to this city of ruins as a sanctuary, and for many years no one was disturbed by the army.

I hoped that it was a food truck passing by, but my subconscious knew better and I took a little look out by the window.

Just as I feared there were nearly thirty men with guns as long as their legs. There were kids, young boys who held guns in the hand they once held pencils and books.

This was my worst fear. Jamie being brainwashed and Turing into one of those kids in those trucks, and me having to bear children who will do the same.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I covered Jamie's mouth and grabbed him. In an instant we were in a hidden place, covered by the ruins of this building.

"Leah what's going on? Why are we hiding? Why are you crying" Leah please tell me what's going on?"

"The army came here. If I'm right, they'll break into every home and either kill the men, seniors, and those who protest. If not, they'll kidnap the women and children. Please be quiet, we can't get caught."

Jamie gave me a worried look and as much as I wanted to say those words, everything was going to be ok, I knew better than to give him false hope.

We saw the ugly side of this war and the only thing more dangerous than the enemy, is false hope. It can motivate you to success or cause your own downfall.

"Please Stop. Don't take my children. Please. No, don't kill my husband. Let me go!"

As I hear those words of plea, I know every family out there is reliving my nightmare. The nightmare that saved both Jamie and I. I wanted to save them, but I knew that I would risk both Jamie and my life.

"Leah the door is opening. I hear footsteps. I'm scared"

For the first time in a while I heard the cries of my strong brother.

"Shh, lets pray that they won't see us"

"Hey, I don't think anyone is here. Let's leave. It's not like anyone would live in such a ruined home. We got enough children and women. Boss is going to be more than happy."

As I heard those words, the need to break down erupted in me, but I knew better than let out a cry. Our silent tears rolled down our cheeks, as we heard the retreating footsteps.

I cried in fright and for the victims who witnessed their families die and get kidnapped. I cried for their fate, knowing it will be worse than death.

Despite knowing they were gone, both Jamie and I were frozen and couldn't make a single movement or cry other than the tears that broke out of our eyes like a dam.

"Come on Jamie, the coast is clear. We have to leave here tonight."

Slowly we came out of our hiding space and left the house.

Nothing could have prepared me for our next sight. Bodies of countless men lying lifeless on the floor. Libs lying apart from the body. Blood seeping out as bugs infested on them.

Covering Jamie's eyes with my hands, I lead us out of this gruesome sight. Just as the bodies seemed to vanish out of our sight, I removed my hands off Jamie's eyes.

"I'm sorry you had to see that. But at least it's over for now."

"You covered my eyes, so you're the one who and to see all of that. I wish we didn't have to live like this. Maybe when we leave this country we can me-"

His words are cut off by a ringing noise in my head. I felt a push as I felt myself flying through the air. With a thud, I land on the ground. Despite my body telling me to close my eyes, I looked around for Jamie.

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