Chapter 27

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Dylan POV

I can still remember our first night as husband and wife, with her hands clutching my chest, her sinful moans, and her fingernails scratching my backs.

I remember every part of her, even the single freckle on her right hip,  to the darkening of her brown eyes as she stared at me with lust.

It was both our first time and we spent all night making love. With both finally satisfied, the sun had risen already. Despite wanting to get on with out day, despite not getting any sleep, I knew better.

We would be more productive catching a few hours of sleep, rather than staying awake yet being so tired. After boringly trying to persuade her with my fingers combing through her long brown hair, she finally lulled to sleep.

Unfortunately, duty calls and we had to wake up and leave our room at some point of the day. I was running on my third cup of coffee for the day with a bit of running of course and her drinking her several cups of tea.

I remember her first time trying coffee, she drank mine, which I poured some rum in for the extra boost. Before I could warm her, she took a sip and nearly spit it all over my desk.

I told her normal coffee tastes different, but she seemed traumatic enough that she switched to tea. I can still temper that day as a smile breaks out on my face at that thought.

"What's that smile about?"

"Nothing, continue what you were saying Ken."

"Nope, I think the lover boy here is thinking about his wife."

"Even if I do, what is the problem with that, John?"

"Nothing, your wife man. Just can't believe my best friend who didn't believe in love, is whipped."

At the moment, John, Kennedy, and I are working on some forms and battle shipments. It was quite boring, but it has to be completed and sent to our base in America. I would rather spend my time with my wife, but instead I'm spending it with these two idiots.

"Did you guys find anything in the rat. We can't do anything without finding out who it is."

"Oh yeah, I had a thought, but I wasn't sure if it was reasonable. It has too many loopholes."

"Anything is better than nothing."

"Well in that case, the traitor probably will somehow inform the terrorists of the Sargeant's marriage. You know to maybe use your wife as a leverage."

That thought angered me, but the reasonable side knew that John had a fair point.

"Why don't you use your beautiful brain and mouth to inform us of these useful thoughts instead of explaining what hickies are to a ten year old."

"Well someone has to, since clearly you don't know what they are. Of course since you've never had one."

As my top two soldiers bicker like little children, I wondered how to catch the traitor with the useful thought John had.

Clearly the only he can inform the terrorists is through a letter, in person, or phone call if they are of higher ranks. Leah and even Jamie are now a liability.

A part of me wants them safely settled in America, but the selfish part of me wants her here by my side. Just under six months left and I'll be counting each minute down.

"John, Kennedy, I want you to keep an eye out on each man who leaves this camp unannounced and read through letters to see if anything is suspicious."

Even if this trespasses the privacy of my many loyal men, it must be done to find that one traitor. It's better than losing anymore lives.

"Record every man who leaves camp, with their name and ranking. Make sure you add more soldiers to the post for extra surveillance.

Also, I want Leah and Jamie to never be alone and updates on them every hour. I don't trust anyone other than the two of you, so it'll have to be you guys."

They knew the importance of Leah and Jamie and that it makes them the top priority.

"Yes, Sarge."

"Got it Dylan."

"If this goes according to plan, we should catch the traitor real soon."

This is the most crucial part of the plain. If we follow this, I doubt there will ever be another opportunity to catch the traitor; at least before damage is done.

"Call a meeting with every man at five o'clock sharp. I'll be seeing Leah now. Both of you know what to do."

With a nod we parted ways; I looked out for Leah and Jamie, John choosing the best men for surveillance, and Kennedy going through the mail.

I go to our room to see Leah drawing a picture. Before I can look at what it is, she flips the paper around. Turning her body around she wraps her slender arms around my neck as she reaches in her tip toes for a peck on the lips.

"Hi, love."

"Hey, mi amore."

"Where's Jamie?"

"Where do you think he is?"

I give her a questioning look. That boy has explored the whole camp within two weeks and it's nearly impossible to keep track of where he was. I need to remind him to stay close to his sister, John, Ken, or I.

"He's with Max, somewhere in this camp. Last time I checked he was playing ball with Max, but they could be moving on to an entirely different activity in the span of an hour."

I chuckle as she stresses over her little brother. I guess being kept in an enclosed space for so long and being deprived of the simple things in life, he's taking advantage of it now.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine. Max is with him anyways."

"I don't know what I'll do if anything's happened to either of you. You're the most important boys in my life. I love you."

"I love you too."

We share a passionate kiss before I look back to her painting, as curiosity ignites in me.

"What were you drawing?"

"That's for me to know, and you to find out. You'll find out when the right time comes."

"Mhmm. I'm excited for it. Although you should know I'm not a very patient man."

"Well that's going to be tough."

I laugh at her snarky remark as she looks at me with love shining deep in her eyes.

"What, Leah?"

"Your laugh is beautiful. Instead of looking so grumpy all the time, you should smile more."

I look at her grumpily before she shakes her head and lifts the side of my lips into a smile with her fingers. I grab one of her fingers in my mouth and wrap my mouth around it.

I hear a soft moan before I crash my lips onto her. Despite making love to her all night and only being gone for a few hours, I needed to feel her against

Our clothes soon disappear in the room as our bodies collide with each other. I was going to go for another round until I realized it was four minutes before five.


I exclaim as I look around for my clothes while wearing them I record time.

"What's the rush about, Dylan?"

"I got a meeting with all my men in two minutes. I love you, I'll see you in an hour, love."

I give her a quick peck and before she can respond to it, I rush out the door. I heard her mumble a goodbye and I was tempted to go back, but I knew this meeting was mandatory.

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