Chapter 10

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Leah POV

I watch Jamie soundly sleeping as I get lost in my thoughts. It's been a while since I've been taken care of. It was usually me taking care of Jamie, yet now Dylan was looking after my wellbeing.

The way he spoke to me sounded as he truly cared and when he mentioned protecting Jamie and I, it felt like he meant it.

I knew the emotion I felt for him was dangerous and risky. Despite the warnings the rational part of my brain warned, I craved more of him. His kindness, affection, and responsibility that he took over us.

"Woof woof"

Max grabs my attention as he stands up from his resting position. I notice the doctor coming in for Jamies check up and wash. Deciding to give them a bit of privacy, I decided to wander around the camp.

As I walked through the halls, my thoughts went to the moment where Dylan's was attending my wound. He was so gentle and careful for a giant military man.

The moment he finished and we held eye contact, I knew we would have kissed if it weren't for the guard interrupting us. It felt as if a magnetic force pulled us to each other.

With Max by my leg, I went outside to get some fresh air. It's been a couple of days since I've been confined to the medical ward.

I took a big breath and immediately regretted it as the stench of debris and smoke overpowered the smell of fresh air. At least it was a bit better than the smell of medications and machines of the medical ward.

"Hey, who are you? How did you get here? Put your hands up and answer me!"

Frightened, I immediately raised my hand up as I saw him pointing a rifle towards me. As much as I wanted to close my eyes and curl into a ball on the ground I stayed as frozen as a statue.

"Please don't shoot me. My brother, he is being treated by the doctor at this moment. His name is Jamie. Dylan Romano knows me."

The soldier grunted at my stuttering mess of a response before manhandling me and putting me in handcuffs.

"Walk woman. If you are lying, you will be punished."

With a gun on one hand and leading me through the hallway by the back of my head, he brings me towards an underground room.

"Oww, please go slowly. It hurts."

I begged, but he continued walking fast paced.

As tears rolled down my cheek, he mumbled something to the guards before opening the door.

I looked up to see the back of Dylan's and a couple other men, as they seemed to be in a deep discussion.

"Sargent Romano. I'm sorry to interrupt but this woman claims she knows you."

Dylan turns around and is astonished at my state. My hair was a mess from being tugged, tears rolled down my check, and I'm sure the bandage wrapped around my arm and blood seeping through it.

"I found her wondering around the camp-"

Before the man could continue his statement, he was thrown off me by Dylan.

"What the hell do you think you're doing Victor. She's with me and how dare you treat any woman, especially her!"

Dylan growled as he released my arms from those handcuffs. As soon as my arms were free I clung myself to his torso. A sense of security engulfed me after that traumatic experience. Sobs wracked my body as he tried to calm me down.

"Shh Leah. It's ok. I got you now. I'm sorry he did that to you. Please don't cry."

As my sobs quieted down, I felt too embarrassed to leave his body once I realized I once again broke down in front of him and the other men.

Realizing my unease, Dylan immediately ordered everyone to leave us alone.

"Hey they all left. Look at me Leah."

He lifted my chin up as I stared into those forest green eyes. We have only known each other for a couple of days, yet it felt like I've known him for an eternity.

Never have I ever felt a comfort with any person, that I felt towards him. I was always strong during these tough times, but once I met Dylan, it felt as if I could rely on him.

"I'm sorry you had to experience that. I'll talk to Victor about it later. Are you okay?"

"It's ok. I think I'm alright. Please don't be too harsh on Victor. I'm sure he only did it to protect his fellow soldiers."

As he cupped my cheek and looked deep into my eyes he whispered,

"Despite facing all this negativity, how do you stay so optimistic? You are truly great."

His thumb brushed against my bottom lip as his face descended towards mine. Just before he captured my lips a bark interrupted us.

We simultaneously looked down just to bump our foreheads. Chuckling at our foolishness we took a step back realizing our close proximity.

Max barked continuously at us, causing us to be alarmed. As he dragged me by the hem of my dress, Dylan followed us to what seemed to be the medical ward.

Assuming the worst, I practically sprinted down the hall towards Jamie, with Dylan and Max right behind me. I opened the door with a long bang, just to come across Jamie who was reading a book.

"What wrong guys? Leah is everything ok?"

"I should be asking you that. Max dragged me towards here. Did someone come here? Are you ok?"

As we conversed Dylan did a quick surveillance of the room to make sure there was no suspicious activity.

"Oh yeah, I told Max to bring you guys in."

Jamie responded sheepishly. As embarrassment took over him he rubbed his hand behind his neck as a red tint spread towards his cheeks and neck.

"Well, now we're both here. What did you want to tell us so urgently."

"The doctor told me I can get out of the bed and start hopping in a week. One more week left of laying in this bed."

"That's amazing buddy. Isn't it Leah?"

Noticing my quietness, Dylan decided to respond.

"I'm sure you can rest for a bit more weeks. You just escaped a bomb explosion."

"I'm not a baby anymore Leah and the doctor knows the best. I know the explosion was scary, but for the most part I'm fine. You said I'll still be your same Jamie, so please don't treat me like I'm fragile."

Listening to his words I hugged him tight against my body. It was the only reassurance I and that we both truly made it alive.

"Ok, but you have to promise me you will always be with me if you decide to go anywhere."

"I promise. Dylan you can join our hug as well."

Before I can protest, Dylan smirks as my breath hitches reminding me of our almost kiss a couple minutes ago. His large frame shields the both of us. As he wraps his arms around us.

"Remember Jamie, I'm still the boss here. You have to make sure you take your medicines, eat healthy food, and listen to your sister. If you don't I'll tell the doctor to keep you in bed for an extra week."

Not realizing the teasing tone behind Dylan's words, Jamie immediately agrees, causing us to chuckle.

"I promise to be good Dylan. I just can't wait to get out of this bed."

Listening to his groan we all laughed and conversed until Dylan realized he and to continue his meeting with his men.

Patting Jamie's shoulder and giving me a knowing smile, Dylan left the room, leaving Jamie and I to converse to ourselves.

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