Chapter 48

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Dylan POV


Before I could say his name, I felt a fist crash to the side of my face. I felt a ringing sensation in my ear as I took a couple steps back. The realization that my younger brother had punched me and that I deserved it hit me.

"Don't even say my name! You thought you were high and mighty for making such a sacrifice, but all you did was increase our suffering."

"Jamie don't."

"No, he needs to know the truth and the consequences of his actions. You don't even realize how much you hurt us over the years. You abandoned your family when they needed you the most, just because that was the easier choice. Admit it. God damn, admit it Dylan."

His hands pushed my chest as I took a few steps back. The pain, guilt and anger I felt everyday of my life for the past few years resurfaced as I answered his question with the same tone.

"How do you expect me to face my wife knowing I'm the reason she got kidnapped, was beaten, starved, humiliated, and raped. How do you expect me to face her when I believed that I was the reason our child died!

I didn't leave because it was the easier choice, rather to give you a choice of choosing someone better instead of me."

"Even if we had that option, I can't just change who my brother is, nor can Miracle of her father, or Leah of the husband she loves."

"I realized that too late and now I'm here to try to make amends for my mistakes and earn all of your trust and forgiveness."

"You have no idea the pain we all went through, especially Leah. She barely escaped with her life and moved to a new country, still not absorbing the fact that her husband sacrificed his life for hers.

She suffered numerous physical and emotional scars and to top that she had a newborn child unexpectedly. Do you have any idea how hard it is to take care of a newborn and how expensive they are?

The moment she can walk again, Leah went straight to work and until now she barely has any time for herself, let alone any time to sleep. Every hour she spends on providing for us and giving us the best life she can.

She put a smile on her face for us, for Miracle, when deep down she's just as broken as you. I hear her cry at night, hoping you will come back from the dead, just to be alive all this time."

"I-I'm sorry. I know sorry won't change anything, but I never really knew how much you all struggled."

"Jamie, that's enough. Yes I went through some hard times, but now I'm fine. There's hope for all of us. If living a decade in war taught me anything, it's that time is valuable."

"Leah, I thought I was helping you, when all this time I just increased the pain. I'm so sorry."

I kissed her forehead as a tear rolled down my cheek and left the building ashamed at myself. Despite Leah's calls for me, I think she understood I needed to be with myself right now. Accept my mistakes and move on from the guilt.

Before I took the stares, I heard Jamie and Leah talk when I froze at her words.

"How can you forgive him like that? He hurt you so much, yet you're giving him another chance, so quickly too?!"

"It's called love Jamie. Love for my daughter to have united parents, love for Dylan and to be with him, and love for myself to finally be happy."

I heard their door shut and took that as my cue to leave and think back to my mistakes and how I can be a better father for Miracle, better brother for Jamie, and better husband for Leah.

Leah POV

It's been nearly two weeks since Dylan last came here to see his daughter for the first time. He occasionally calls to talk to Miracle, but other than that, he hasn't come around here.

After the fight between the DeMarco brothers erupted, the next day Jamie was willing to talk to Dylan more calmly and by the looks of it, their relationship seemed to be improving.

Other than talking to me only to hand the phone over to our daughter or Jamie, Dylan hasn't really spoken to me or visited the bakery. Maybe he changed his mind or maybe he might be too busy.

I tried to get rid of my sad thoughts which consisted of him and focused on making pizza. Today we decided to make some homemade pizza. While I was stuck making the dough, Jamie was helping Miracle grate the cheese.

I heard the door ring bell and wiped the flour on my hands on my apron before opening the door. I'm sure I looked like a mess, but I couldn't care less.

To my surprise, Dylan was standing outside the door with a gentle smile and a bouquet of red roses in his hands. He hands them over to me, as I remain speechless and stand still like a statue. Coming out of my stance, I welcome him inside before calling Miracle and Jamie.

Seeing her father after nearly two weeks, Miracle ignored her dirty clothes and his clean suit, and proceeded to jump on him and give him a hug while he hugged her back. Both Jamie and him shared a combination of a hug and handshake before he turned to face me.

"I believe you have a date to get ready, love."


"Thursday, six in the evening. Don't tell me you forgot."

The date we made before he left just entered my mind. With him ignoring me, or seemingly so, I completely forgot about it.

"Come on Miracle. We still have a block of cheese to grate."

Jamie took Miracle with him inside the kitchen, clearly trying to give Dylan and I some private  space.

"You seemed to be a bit detached so I assumed the date was cancelled."

"I first thought that I don't deserve you, especially after Jamie spoke the truth, but then I realized it's not my choice to make. If you want me you'll accept this date and if you don't then I'll understand.

I already caused a huge blunder assuming things in our relationship which clearly cost our marriage, but I won't make the same mistake again."

"It's pizza night."

"Oh. I guess I'll see you guys another time then."

"Wait! Stay, please. Join us. We will have a family pizza night and if you're free tomorrow, we can have that date?"

I waited nervously for his response before a smile took over his face. The guilt, regret and sorrow in his eyes changed into happiness and love.

"Well then what are we waiting for? I believe it's time Miracle tries my famous pizza sauce."

"It's been far too long since I've tried it to. Come one."

Tugging off his suit jacket and rolling up his sleeves, Dylan makes his famous sauce as we laugh and have fun making pizza, together as a family.

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