Chapter 34

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Leah POV

I squirt my eyes open looking around at the unfamiliar room before realizing yesterday's events. Dylan, Luca, or whatever his name is; my husband is in deep sleep while his arm is wrapped around me tightly.

"Dylan move your arm. I need to pee!"

He groans in response, mumbling some incoherent words. Just as I thought he'll let go, he makes himself comfortable and doesn't move his arm.

I try to move my body, slithering around but Dylan just holds me tighter. I groan and finally slither halfway through, just for my brute of a husband to lay half his body on top of me.

"Dylan Lucas Romano DeMarco!"

Startled he gets up immediately looking for danger. Finally being able to take a breath of air after being nearly squished to death by my husband, I give him a glare with a sheepish smile.

"Why the hell are you screaming, Leah."

"You put your body on top of mine. You're muscled six foot three body on top of my five foot four one."

"Hmm. I like that name you called me, Dylan Lucas Romano DeMarco. Got a nice ring to it, huh?"

"Did you listen to anything I was saying?!"

"Just go to sleep, love. It's only six in the morning."

I felt a pressure on my bladder, reminding me that I need to use the bathroom now. Pushing his away slightly I ran into the bathroom. Washing my hands, I exit to find my husband sleeping.

Being awake I decided to continue working on my surprise to Dylan. Leaving the room ever so sneakily I did a little victory dance until a voice nearly gave me a heart attack.

"Come back to bed, love. What are you doing at six in the morning."


Begrudgingly, I walked back to bed and snuggled next to my husband. The sleep that left my system soo came back as his warm body protected me from the cool morning breeze.

The next time I wake up, I see my husband's spot replaced by the cool blanket.

"Dylan, love?"

I ask squinting my eyes at the bright sunlight.

"I'm here, Leah. I brought us some breakfast in bed."

"You should be resting."

"It's just food and I'm feeling fine."

Smiling at him, I grab the plate filled with food in his hand. Instead of handing it to me, he retreats his arm. Puckering his lips, I give a chaste morning peck and gladly accept the food.

"I made you some pancakes and brought a banana. Your tea is on the night table."

"Here you should eat too."

I give him a piece of the pancake and eat a piece for myself. I felt so many flavours blasting in my mouth from such a simple breakfast.

"I knew you could cook, but didn't know you're this amazing. These pancakes are the best I've ever tried."

"Well thank you, love."

Despite loving the taste of the pancakes a few moments later my stomach churns and I run off to the toilet. Hunching on the toilet, I vomit all the contents in my stomach.

Dylan runs after me and holds my hair up while rubbing my back. As embarrassing as it was to see the love of your life puking your guts it, his actions and words were comforting.

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