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The next day at sheriff's station, Brooke as sat at her desk staring at the ceiling when Emma walked in, "Belle found something in here... A spell, it may be able to work against the Snow Queen," Emma said as she put the book in front of Brooke and Elsa.

"You don't mean kill her?" Elsa asked.

"No, no one's killing anyone," Emma said, "It's just to neutralise her powers... Maybe," Emma told her.

"Can either of you read this?" Elsa asked as she looked at the book.

"Elvish? No, I didn't see 'Lord of The Rings'," Emma said and Elsa looked at the twins confused, "Never mind, anyway, Belle translated it, it tells us how to enact the spell," Emma said and handed the piece of paper to Elsa.

Elsa took the piece of paper and read, "With both hands, hold the candle and then use your magic to light it and then when you blow on it..." Elsa began to say.

"Then bam, she's right back to selling ice-cream. My guess is business will be down," Emma said.

"Maybe without her powers we can talk to her, we can find Anna, we can get some real answers," Elsa said.

"Does you sister have magic?" Brooke asked.

"No, and I think that's why the Snow Queen is so interested in you two," Elsa said.

"Yeah," Emma said.

"Does anyone else in your family have magic?" Elsa asked them.

"Nope," Brooke said.

"It's hard when they look at you differently, isn't it?" Elsa asked.

"They don't," The twins said.

"You're lucky... Okay," Elsa said and held out the candle, "Shall we try this?" Elsa asked.

"Sure," Emma said and looked at Brooke, "Wanna do it?"

"No," Brooke said.

"Okay...?" Emma took the candle watching her sister closely then walked around her sisters desk.

Emma held the candle with one hand and rested the candle on the palm of her other hand see she stood opposite Else. Emma used her magic to light the candle and blew on the flame, the flame grew and went towards Elsa just as it was about to wrap around her wrists, it failed.

"I'm sorry, should we try again?" Elsa asked.

"Later, we have to meet Mary Margaret, we're babysitting tonight," Emma said putting the candle down.

"Life goes on," Elsa said.

"We'll find her," Emma said and tapped her sisters shoulder, "Come on."

"It's okay, go, I'll be here," Elsa said and watched the twins walking off.

Emma and Brooke walked towards the new mother session group. Emma kept checking on Brooke who was still quiet, she has hardly spoke to anyone since yesterday. As they walked into the room, the session had just ended.

The twins watched as Mary Margaret spoke with the other new mothers then she watched her daughters approach her, "Brooke, Emma, you missed the goodbye song," Mary Margaret.

"We got the gist of it from the title. Is baby bro ready?" Emma asked.

"Yes, oh, just a few things... uh, diaper bag, stroller, milk," Mary Margaret said as she handed Brooke the baby bottle.

"He sure has a lot of stuff," Brooke commented in a blunt tone as she took the bottle.

"Well, I want to give him everything," Mary Margaret said.

Storybrooke Is Frozen [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #4 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now