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A few days later, it was the day of Cruella's funeral and Brooke sat with her parents, Regina and Killian. Brooke tried to understand more about why they didn't trust her and Emma to choose their own path, but also why they didn't trust themselves.

Emma walked into the diner, she hasn't been the same since she killed Cruella, "I'm going after Gold, he made this happen. He needs to answer for it," Emma said.

"Careful, don't go off half-cocked," Killian said.

"Hook's right, he wants you angry," David said.

"Yeah, well, I am angry. That doesn't mean he's gonna get what he's after. Do I wish I could change what I did to Cruella? Yes, but that's regret, not darkness. I think we've all done things we regret," Emma said.

"Emma's right, right now, we need to focus on one thing... How to keep Gold and the author from causing any more damage," Brooke said.

Maleficent entered the diner and walked to them, "I might be able to help with that. It now appears we have a common foe... Rumpelstiltskin," Maleficent said.

"He resurrected you," Killian said.

"To help himself, not me. Cruella's death only confirmed that" Maleficent said.

"Oh, now you want to turn on him before he turns on you," Killian said.

"I knew Gold couldn't keep the dragon on her leash for long," Regina said.

"What do you want?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Nothing from you, but your eldest daughter," Maleficent said and looked at Emma, "I hear you have a talent for finding people," Maleficent said.

"Yeah, I do. Who do you want to be found?" Emma asked.

"My daughter," Maleficent said.

"She's alive?" Mary Margaret said.

"Yes, she survived the journey to this land. The journey you sent her one. You want to prevent Rumpelstiltskin from achieving whatever he wants. What better way than leaving this town and helping me?" Maleficent asked.

"I'm not running away from Gold and I'm not leaving my pregnant sister alone without magic back up," Emma said.

"It's not running from him, it's hindering him," Maleficent said, "I will make sure your sister is completely protected."

"What do you know about her?" Brooke asked.

"Just what the Dark One showed me, that she was banished to this world 30 years ago, to a place called Minnesota, where she was adopted by a couple and they named her Lilith," Maleficent said.

Brooke's and Emma's eyes widen, "No," They said.

"Brooke? What is it?" Killian said.

Brooke climbed over Killian and left the diner with Emma, they went to the library.

Brooke watched Emma as she went through microfilm until she found a newspaper article from 30 years ago about a baby girl name Lilith Page, they saw the interesting birthmark of a star on her wrist.

"Lily," Emma said.

"Who'd have thought the girl I met for a night would pop back up?" Brooke said.

The twins were looking at the newspaper clipping when Regina showed up.

"Ain't fate a bitch?" Regina asked, "You know this girl, how?" 

"She was my friend," Emma said.

"I met her once," Brooke said.

"Oh, the one you told me about, Emma, who you said you pushed away?" Regina asked.

Storybrooke Is Frozen [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #4 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now