Chapter 17

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The Gall of Gammon

Disclaimer: This story is my humble attempt to write a fanfiction of the epic Mahabharata. My intention is not to hurt anyone's sentiment.

Aum Namah Shivay!!

Major Jayant Roy, SM is a fictitious character. Any similarity with any living person is merely a coincidence.

Chapter 17

Hastinapur, Dwapar Yuga

Vidura POV

Today was Tuesday morning. I was walking tirelessly in my room. My mind was heavy with thoughts. Suddenly, a guard entered.

"Pranipaat, mahamantri! Mahamahim Bhishma wants to have an audience with you." the guard bowed and said those words.

I stopped in the middle of my walking.

"Send him in with due respect, Guard."

The guard went outside, and in a moment, entered my uncle Bhishma.

"Pranipaat, tatshri. But how many times I have told you that you do not have to send a guard like that?"

Tatshri smiled a bit. He had a long journey, but there are no sign of tiredness in his face or body.

"That many times I also told you that this is proper etiquette."

"Please, have a seat Tatshri."

Tatshri Bhishma sat on a seat.

"How was the meeting with Maharaja Damaghosh?" I asked him.

"Oh, it went well. Maharaja Damaghosh accepted all our conditions. Now with this treaty, the trade between Kuru and Chedi Kingdom will flourish. But, that doesn't make me so startled that I have to come back with this haste. I am telling you, Vidura, that from yesterday morning, it was like some invisible force was telling me not to go. After the meeting, this feeling was getting bigger and bigger. Thankfully, the Chedi King also had some hurry, so he left quickly. Then I also started my journey after accompanying him to the border. I have to start my journey in the night of new moon, because the horses were tired. I reached the market area in the morning, and there I heard news."

I heaved a sigh. I knew exactly what the news was. I had also got the news sometimes ago.


My trail of thoughts was shattered by the voice of the eldest Kuru. I looked at his face. His face was curious. Then his face became unreadable.

"So the news is true. Yesterday, there was an attack on the Kuru Kingdom. Then, of all people, Shakuni and Duryodhana fought with them."

I nodded silently. My spies got the news only after the battle was over.

"Shakuni got thirty of his bodyguards with him. But the Rajkumars not only fought, but they fought with valour. Young Duryodhana, Dussasana and Vikarna fought with them, with Ashwatthama and some boy from the village."

Tatshri nodded his head. There was a small smile on his aged face.

"The Rajkumars are getting older. The kids will become fine young men." His voice was happy. Then suddenly, his gaze fell over me.

"What happened, Vidura? Are you not happy?"

I looked at his eyes.

"Yes, I am happy. I am happy because they fought bravely and saved not only the grains, but also the whole kingdom. Otherwise, the kingdom would suffer a huge famine. But, I am afraid with the consequences. I can feel a very big game of politics awaits us."

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