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" The love in our family flows strong and deep, leaving us memories to treasure and keep

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" The love in our family flows strong and deep, leaving us memories to treasure and keep."

- Unknown


San Francisco, California - October 4th, 1945

Hazel's wide blue eyes gazed up at the beautiful family home of Ashbury Heights, San Fransisco - with it's wide sidings, little windows aglow in the late afternoon light, candles set in each, an American flag hanging out front of the home, a few plants up the side of the home, a hopscotch drawing faded from rain, and a few chairs on the front porch.

" Joe, it's beautiful." Hazel whispered as she sat forward, letting her gaze soak up the front of the home. Joe softly leaned in beside her, by her shoulder and smiled.

" It's home," he said and Hazel grinned, softly glancing his way, " C'mon." Hazel softly leaned forward to open the door as the two soldiers clambered out onto the street together, standing side by side looking up at the beautiful home. Definitely one that had been taken care of and loved. It made Hazel smile softly as her eyes shone brightly.

" Here, I'll take it." Joe said going to help the taxi driver pull the suitcase from the trunk.

" Oh no, don't even bother, you two fought a war the least I could do is take your bags, especially with a Virago like you." the taxi driver said with a small smile and a nod to Hazel, as Hazel stood gently on the quiet sidewalk.

" You don't care that Viragos are women?" Hazel asked him quietly - she had expected a different reaction compared to that. The taxi driver grinned.

" You fought for our country - it doesn't matter age, race, gender, you fought for our flag - people should realize that's all that matters." the taxi driver said and Hazel softly smiled at him before sending her eyes to Joe who watched her with even gentler eyes. Adoration. He tended to look at her more like that now than ever.

" You two head up to the house, I've got this." the taxi driver said fusing a bit, making a show of swatting his hands in the general direction of where the house was. Joe and Hazel smiled softly, before Joe turned, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as they approached the home. They took it slowly up the steps and Hazel even took time to notice all the little intricacies of the home and its architecture. The door was made of pure oak, and the handle shined a gentle golden - it all looked freshly cleaned. Hazel let out a soft breath and Joe squeezed her shoulders gently.

" They'll love you, I promise. I didn't say that I was like my momma for nothing - she loves the quiet types." Joe said and Hazel felt the tops of her cheeks go pink for a minute, which Joe of course, loved with all his heart. 

Joe softly knocked against the door as the taxi driver dropped the bags at their feet and refused the cash tip - they were soldiers - they had paid enough of the price. Hazel heard footsteps on the opposite side of the door and she watched the golden handle slowly turn, before swinging open. 

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