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" There is something simply beautiful and simply innocent, in being human

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" There is something simply beautiful and simply innocent, in being human. It is just so innocent and beautiful. I love it."

- C. JoyBell C.


Driving through the city was beautiful - Joe had turned down the windows, letting Hazel put her head out of the window as if she were some sort of golden retriever, letting the warm sunlight reflect down onto her, the bustling streets filled with people overwhelming her system. 

The last time she had seen bustling streets like this was back in New York City after the 3 Viragos were secretly escorted to Camp Shanks - that felt like years ago. 

Which it was. 

Joe looked over at Hazel every so often, leaning out of the window, the wind catching her loose curls, lighting up her face into golden hues, her eyes bright and wide, looking completely and utterly unbothered. 

Yeah, he was in love, big time. 

And being in love with his best friend was an even better feeling. 

" Hi doggy!!' Hazel called out, waving out of the window to a pup who barked joyfully towards her. Joe just about slammed into the back of the car at how adorable it was, pushing a smile on his face. 

Hazel made him such a better person - he liked the new him. 

Hazel slid back through the window fully, giggling.

" You should've seen him, Joe! He was so cute, a little black and white dog." she said, with soft eyes, " I never realized how fun it was to be in a city." Joe smiled glancing towards her. 

" It seems you fit right in." Joe said as he slowly rolled forward again and Hazel grinned up towards him. 

Hazel personally thought San Francisco was beautiful, all the little roads and street corners, the lovely ladies dressed for every occasion, the gentlemen in their suits, the military men and women walking proudly through the streets. 

To finally lay her eyes on a life that was not involved in a war was something Hazel needed especially after last night, to finally look upon a world where the war wasn't the immediate thing on everyone's minds. Just to feel the wind in her hair, the breeze tickling her cheeks, pushing a smile to her lips and Joe beside her was enough to make her feel genuinely happy. No forced smiles, no breaking and aching heart - just purely happy. 

Hazel was purely happy. She wished to always feel this way. 

Hazel could tell they were approaching the coast, because as they drove, the saltiness of the sea began to fill her nose and they were getting away from the large buildings of San Francisco and into the rolling hillsides and cliffs and little beaches that ran into the Pacific. 

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