Chapter Three

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I stared out the window of our new house lost in thought. Luc and Adonis had moved out of the camp and into a house on the coast with me, Kenji, Zale and Marina who was apparently my brother's mate. My brother. I had a twin brother. I looked at the framed picture on my bedside table and felt myself getting sad again. I had been crying for weeks. I needed to stop crying.

Kenji had given me the picture the day we were moving in. He had taken it one of the mornings we were in Greece without either me or Xander noticing. I remembered that day. In the picture I was laughing covered in flour with a mixing bowl in my hand. Xander was standing next to me an egg in his hair. He was looking at me with a small smile on his face. So much love in his eyes.

I felt arms wrap around me and was forced to snap out of my thoughts. I knew who it was immediately and sank into his chest letting myself cry again. How was I not running out of tears? Stupid tears. Tears that failed to save him.

"I should have told him I loved him sooner. God why was I only telling him I loved him while he was dying?" I asked. I heard a crack of thunder outside and watched the sky darken. For weeks it has been raining in Alexandria. The sky has been matching my mood. I've single handily changed this city's weather pattern.

I felt warmth surround me and immediately sank into it. After a minute I watched the sun seep through the clouds until there was no trace of it wanting to rain.

"I wish I could do that." I whispered softly.

"I wish I could start a storm. Do you know how awesome it would be to have hurricane powers?" Luc says longingly.

"I don't have hurricane powers." I chuckle.

"I bet if I made you mad enough or sad enough you could start a hurricane. Or maybe a tornado. What do you think you need to feel to start a tornado?"

"You need some serious psychological evaluation." I laugh turning to face him.

"Little sister, trust me when I say I am a hundred percent psychologically fine."

"No he isn't." Adonis says walking into the room.

"No one asked you Don." He huffs.

"Your first guest has arrived. The leader of the American Coven."

"We'll be right down to welcome her thank you Adonis." I say getting up.

"No problem." He says bowing his head slightly before walking out.

"He does that a lot. Did you tell him to be doing that?" I asked walking to my bathroom.

"The bowing thing? Don spent centuries in the underworld being an upper demons servant. I've been trying to uninstall some of the 'manners' he learnt. It's a slow process." Luc sighs.

I quickly freshened up and changed into a simple sundress. I looked at my natural curls through the mirror and sighed. I was going to have to find someone to braid it soon.

"You look like you need help." A voice said at the door making me look up.

Once I saw her standing in the doorway I turned to face her. She walked in and stopped in front of me eying me for a while.

"Sorry for barging in you left your door ajar." She said not sounding sorry at all.

"It's fine." I told her standing and stretching out my hand. "Melaine Wilson."

"I know who you are child. Esmeralda Laveau. Come take a walk with me." Without waiting for a response she turned around and started walking.

I silently and curiously followed her out. There was something about Esmeralda. An aura she gave off. She was like a magnet. A powerful, dominant yet in a way caring aura. You could almost call it motherly. We stepped out of the house and into the garden were she finally sat on one of the benches and I sat beside her.

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