Chapter Four

432 44 16

November 2022

The old truck rolled down the road towards the diner. I had picked it up from Mr Bradford's house and was supposed to take it to the garage and start working on it but I was hungry. I parked in my regular spot and hopped out of the sad squeaky car. Walking into one of my favourite places I was hit with the smell of food and coffee. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a sudden pain on the back of my head.

"You're putting mud on my floors boy."

"Sorry mom." I chuckled rubbing my head and eying the wooden spoon still in her hand cautiously.

"It's not even raining out how are your shoes muddy? You know what I don't want to know. Grab a broom and mop while I get your food ready." She says walking away. But not before waving her hand and cleaning my muddy boots.

She could have easily done that with the floor as well but she enjoys knocking us all down a few inches by making us do what would be embarrassing tasks. But the people of Rosemore know Esmeralda Laveau and finding one of her children or even a regular diner cleaning the floors or any other minuscule task is normal.

"Morning Xerxes." A small voice whispers as I walk into the back of the diner.

"Hey Yau."

"What did you do this time?" She asked watching me grab a broom and mop.

"Brought dirt in." I shrugged.

"You and Elijah never learn." She laughs softly.

"Someone has to stress her out."

"I'm the only one that doesn't."

"That's because you're Yau. See you tonight."

I pretend I don't see the blush on her face as I walk out. I've known for a while that Yau likes me. But I don't feel the same. I like her sure but not in the way she likes me. Yau is a soft person, she's calm and sweet and tiny. She's not for me. Okay that's a lie. No one in town has really been for me since I showed up. None of the women here despite how beautiful have moved me in any way.

Once I was done cleaning up after myself I took back the equipment and washed up. I found my food already on my favourite spot in the diner and sat down.

"Morning Xerxes."

"Morning Mrs B." I said smiling at the 43 year old bear shifter.

"I saw James' truck outside and I figured it was with you." She pointed towards the window.

"On my way to the garage right now. Just had to stop here and eat." I smiled.

"How's business going?"

"Turns out Rosemore has a lot of broken down cars."

"Well before you came around folks would leave their cars once they broke down and resort to walking."


"We'll see you around then."

"Have a nice day."

After three months of going from job to job Esmeralda had come to the conclusion that I would not and could not work for someone. She had laughed and said she forgot Alphas don't like being bossed around. So she had bought me an old building that was closing down and I turned it into a garage.

We had named it Laveau's. And for whatever reason I had thought it would be a good idea to have a phoenix on the sign as well. Elijah said I was subconsciously trying to say like the bird your car would 'rise from the ashes' after we were done with it. Mom just smirked like she knew something I didn't.

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