Chapter Sixteen

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I stare out the window at the graves near the trees. Where there were once two a third sits along side them. I can barely hear what Logan, Kenji and my brother are saying. All I feel is guilt as I remember Lilly's shaking figure as her mother's coffin was lowered into the ground. Guilt because she saw it happen. That scene. Seeing her brother kill her mother, will always be stuck in her mind for the rest of her life.

I knew something was wrong that night before we left. I knew I felt something. I told myself it was my emotions going haywire being back here after all these years. Hailey's death was my fault. Just like my dad's had been and Xander's. I was tired of waiting and hiding. I was going to go after Alistair my self. Before someone else died.

"When do the others arrive?" I asked interrupting the current conversation.

"They should be here in an hour." Kenji answered after a minute of silence.

"Good. I'm heading out to grab a few supplies. We're turning this into our base. Trainings over." I said getting up.

"Mel... We need to think this through make a plan." Lucian said.

"We've been planning for two years Lucian. That's all we do. Plan and train while Alistair continues to slaughter people. We keep waiting for him to reveal himself when we know he won't. Making excuses like how we need to go through some stupid transformation which won't happen seeing how I'm mateless. It's about time we took a page out of that psycho's book and hunt him down."

"She's right. My brother has always seen himself to be an apex predator. Some master hunter. Its time he felt what it's like to be hunted." Logan said standing straighter.

"Then its settled. We'll need to keep this operation small. The less people involved the easier it'll be to execute this plan. Which means aside from Logan no one but our familiars and your mate will know anything we plan." I said directing that last sentence to Lucian.

"And Titus." Kenji piped up.

"And Titus."

"Why does he have to be involved? He could be a traitor." Luc groaned rolling his eyes.

"We could use him. He's a powerful creature. And I trust him."

"Fine. As soon as they get here we'll discuss our first line of action."



I looked at the world map Kenji had painted across one of the walls in my dad's office. We had marked it with all the places Alistair had attacked. Trying to see if we could figure out a pattern. There had to be a strategy. A way we could possibly intercept his next attack before it happened.

"If you're going to catch him you'll have to think like him." A voice said startling me.

I turned around and watched Titus step into the room. I had been cooped up in here all day. Barely noticing when they arrived. I looked back at the map letting out a sigh.

"Its kind of hard thinking like Alistair. I don't really know how psychopaths work." I say rubbing my neck.

"I wasn't talking about Alistair. I was looking back at what I saw and heard while I interacted with him. I don't think he's the brains behind their operations. Alistair is too brash." He said. I turned to look at him considering what he was saying.

"The ambush on my birthday wasn't thought out completely. They didn't cover all our exists and made too many assumptions. But when I was captured it was a more subtle attack. No need for an army. He knew Xander and Kenji would willingly walk into a trap for me and I'd be left alone." I said as realisation hit.

"That demon that infiltrated the house back in Alexandria it wasn't sent to kill me. The venom was specific, it unlocked whatever block was made on me. It's weakness was Phoenix fire."

"Dardanos. That son of a bitch I should have known."

"Now we need to figure out how he operates." Titus said.

"Thank you Titus." I said surprising him with a hug. "You have no idea how much this has helped."

"Its nothing. I'm just trying to help." He said clearing his throat. I let go of him and stepped back.

"Thank you anyway. I'm glad you decided to stay and help."

"I am too." He smiled softly.

"Come on I could use a break and some food and I think I know the perfect place." I told him grabbing my jacket off the desk.

Titus silently followed me down the stairs and into the living room. I stopped to grab the car keys off the mantle and paused when I saw an empty picture frame.

"That's weird."

"What is?" Titus asked.

"This one's empty. Why would dad put an empty picture frame on the mantle?"

"Maybe he was planning on putting one but didn't have the chance." Kenji said walking into the room in a frilly pink apron. "Where are you guys going?"

"Out. We'll be back soon."

"You kids have fun. Have her back by midnight young man. And no funny business." He says putting his hands on his hips.

"Ignore him." I tell Titus dragging him out the cabin.

"He gets more aggressive when you don't give him attention." He laughs.

"You'll learn to handle him soon enough." I smile.

The drive to Carlos' was surprisingly enjoyable. We sat in a comfortable silence while the radio played music softly. Only talking a few times. I parked in front of the diner and stared at it for a while remembering the last time I was here.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Titus asks snapping me out of my head.

"Yeah sorry. Let's go."

We step out of the car and walk into the diner. Titus picks a booth in the back and I settle across from him. A waitress arrives handing us menus before walking away.

"The last time I was here was my 21st birthday. That ambush I mentioned earlier, this is where it happened. It's the night I made my first kills. I had constant nightmares after that." I said quietly looking at my menu.

"We can leave if you want to."

"No. I'm tired of hiding and not doing things. Grief will always be there. But it's time I start learning to live with it. Remember all the good and happy moments instead of the bad. Because while that night had a bad ending it was a good day. It had laughter. I met Kenji. It was a good day inspite of everything." I smile.

"Hopefully can help you make new memories. Not to replace the old ones but to have more good to look back at."

"I'd like that." I tell him softly.

"You guys ready to order?" Our waitress asked pulling out a notepad from her apron pocket.

"Yes we are." Titus said looking back at his menu. I watched him with a small smile on my face before looking at my menu.

I was going to survive the next couple months back here. It would be hard at first but I was going to get through this.


I know updates have been a little slow but that's because I have lost my laptop. Typing on my phone isn't as motivating.

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