Chapter Thirteen

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"Again." Kenji barks as Titus glares at him from his hunched-up position in the training room.

"I'm trying." He yells back. He's getting angry again which we're trying to avoid. Kenji notices it too and stands straight.

"Five-minute break." Kenji sighs before walking out of the room. I stand up from where I was on the bench and make my way towards Titus.

"This isn't working." He sighs sitting down on the floor. I plop down next to him.

"Shifting on purpose when you're new to this is going to be hard. We're trying to make it easier for you to control your shift to avoid having a lion on our hands every time you get mad." I say

"It's a Nemean actually way cooler than a lion." He says and it takes me a second to realise he's teasing.

"Stone faced Titus made a joke. I must be dreaming," I fake gasp. He rolls his eyes trying to fight the smile I can see forming on his face.

"Why are you helping me? How does teaching me how to control my shift help you?" He asks.

"It doesn't help us. It helps you. Like I said before. I know how it feels to have this world thrust upon you. To not know who you are anymore. I had people to help me and I want to help you as well. Hopefully when this is all over and you decide to leave you can get back to a semi-normal life."

"I get to decide to leave? You're going to let me go? You're not worried I'll go back to killing witches with my new advantage."

"No, I'm not," I say leaning on my arms.

"Why not?"

"Because that wasn't you. You did what you did out of anger and hate. You were hurting so you lashed out. By the time I'm done with you, you'll be back to your old self." I shrug.

"Oh, you think so?" He smirks.

"I know it." I smile. "Will, you ever tell me what happened to your family?"

"I don't think so." He says looking away from me. The air shifting with the change in mood.

"I get it. Not wanting to talk about it. But talking helps. Eventually, when you're ready I'll be here to listen." I tell him.

"You shouldn't trust me."

"I don't trust you. You'll probably kill me if you get the chance or betray us. But there's a chance you won't. And the betrayal may hurt but I've felt worse pain."

"Does it ever stop hurting?" He whispers facing the wall behind me.

"No. Maybe. Hopefully it will. You learn to live with it or you eventually find something or someone that takes it away."

He opens his mouth as if to say something but is interrupted by Lucian appearing in front of us. He looks at me with a frown on his face before glaring at Titus.

"You're back early." I sigh standing to my feet.

"Marina's waiting in the basement. The sooner we do this the better." He tells me ignoring my statement.

"Nice to see you too." I said rolling my eyes.

Lucian had left for Marina's coronation yesterday. I think he's being more of a dick because he's now basically royalty. Prince consort.

"Let's go." He smirks walking away.

"Where are we going?" Titus asks standing.

"Basement. Come on."

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