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SCENE 1: Aanchal calls kabir..

Aanchal: Kabir, our first phase of the plan is done, i made vansh think that he never really loved riddhima!

Kabir: Amazing! He is not a guy who gets easily manipulated! We have to create such circumstances, where he himself will distance from riddhima!

Aanchal: But why do we have to separate them? I mean our mission is to send Vansh to jail, then why do we have to separate them?

Kabir: Because, that Riddhima is very sharp, if she is around she will never let us find any clues and will try to destroy the evidences!

Aanchal: Fine!

She cuts the call....

Aanchal: Like Vansh, i also don't get easily manipulated Kabir, you are hiding something for sure, and i will find it out!

SCENE 2: Riddhima goes to her room..

Riddhima: Vansh, you are here? I was searching everywhere else! Fine leave it, you didn't eat anything yesterday, you must be hungry right? Guess what, i made your favorites, i will go and get it!

Vansh: I actually changed my taste, i dont like them anymore!

Riddhima: But Vansh..You liked them so much right?

Vansh: Now i dont, if you will leave i have some work!

Riddhima: Ok, but tell me what should i make, you must be hungry right?

Vansh: Just leave riddhima, i know about myself, if i feel hungry i will come and eat, you don't need to waste your time around me!

Riddhima leaves..

Vansh's pov: I am sorry Riddhima, that i had to behave like this with you! But people have started to really underestimate your husband! Kabir thinks that he will send a girl with the same face and i will believe that she is Arohi?! Come on kabir, do you really think Vansh Raisinghania is that stupid! Nahh! I got to know the truth just this morning..



The day arohi came to VR mansion..

Vansh: Nah, this can't be her! There is something fishy about this! Angre!

Angre: Yes sir!

Vansh: I think there is something wrong about her, find out about her!

Later that day...

Angre: Sir, i guess this time you are wrong, she is really Arohi!

Vansh: No angre, she is not her! And i will find it out myself!

SCENE 2 : Vansh talks to Arohi..

Vansh: Since, now you are my lawyer, i have a contract, that i make my lawyers sign, just before every case... so sign in these papers..

Arohi: Sure, Vansh!

She signs and leaves the place..

Vansh's : Come on sweetheart! This is Arohi's sign, but i am not such a fool! Arohi was a right- handed person, but you here signed with left- hand! No, this is not enough, for me to prove that she isn't Arohi! I need more proofs!

SCENE 3: Vansh is playing piano, and arohi is passing by..

Vansh: Arohi!

Arohi: Yes, vansh!

Vansh: *plays a tune* Tell me how is this?!

Arohi: It's really good, i think so it's your own piece, it's beautiful!

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